First name(s) Ref: *1
Samuel Turner
Position(s) held at King's College London

Professor of Chinese Language and Literature, 1847-1852

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Ref: *3

Anglo-Chinese College in Malacca

Position(s) held (non King's College London)
  • Colonial Civil Servant and Senior Government Official in British Hong Kong
  • Interpreter in the first Opium war (1839-1842)
  • Registral general, public notary, coroner, magistrate officer

Personal details

Date of birth
Place of birth
Chiswick, London
Date of death
18th January 1854
Place of death
St. Pancras, London
Family details

Son of Christopher and Elizabeth Fearon; married Caroline Libery in 1846; children: Charles and Kate​

Notes Refs: *1 *4

  • Baptism  January 1820
  • First went to China in 1826 with his father.
  • Fluency in local tongue (Hong Kong)
  • China Medal in war 1840-1842; 
  • Ended his service in Malacca 1846



* References

  1. UK Census www.Ancestry
  2. Journal of Chinese studies January 2012, vol.54, p97
  3. The Times 30th October 1978 pg13 issue 60445
  4. The Times 30th October 1978 pg13
  5. Ancestry: UK, Naval Medal and Award Rolls 1793-1972
  6. Uganda Sze Pui Kwan, ‘Translation and the British Colonial Mission: The Career of Samuel Turner Fearon and the Establishment of Chinese Studies in King's College London’, Journal of Royal Asiatic Society (Third series) vol.24/issue 4th October 2014 pp.623-642
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