First name(s)
Ravenscroft Elsey
Position(s) held at King's College London

Professor of Architecture and Building Construction, 1899-1913.

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Refs: *2 *3 *6

Trained as an Improver/Assistant Architect with Alfred Waterhouse (1884-1885) and as an Assistant Architects with his father Prof. Thomas Roger Smith (1885-1888). Slade School, UCL (1877-1878). He was the first architectural student to be admitted to the British School at Athens in 1887; Greek Travelling Student 1888).

Qualifications Refs: *2 *6

: A.R.I.B.A. (Inst. Medallist 1887; F.R.I.B.A (Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects).

Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *6

University College, London (1913-1920), Lecturer on Greek and Roman Architecture to the Architectural Association; Past Member of the Council of the Hellenic Society.

Professional activities Ref: *3

In Greece Smith was attached to the work of the Cyprus Exploration Fund (CEF) at Paphos (1887-1888). He subsequently went into partnership with his father in 1888.


Evacuations in Cyprus, 1887-88. London: The Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies, 1888. Temple of Aphrodite/R. Elsey Smith. (a copy is in the Foyle Special Collection).

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *2
Place of birth
Lewisham, London
Date of death Ref: *1
26th December 1930.
Place of death
Woking, Surrey


Family details Refs: *4 *5

Son of Prof. Thomas Roger Smith (1830 -1903), F.R.I.B.A. an architect, and Catherine Elsey, the sister of the surgeon and explorer Joseph Ravenscroft Elsey (1834-1857), a member of the North Australian Exploring Expedition; married Ida Cicely Harris (1879-1949) in 1904 in St. Mary's Church, Wingham, Kent.


  • Photo taken by Prof. Smith of Panagia Gorgoepikoos in about 1888 location Athens Re. BRF/02/01/01/008;
  • He was listed in Who's Who 1926 - Smith, Ravenscroft Elsey, F.R.I.B.A, architect; Prof. of Architecture, Kings Coll., London, 1900-18 and University College since 1913; born 1858; e.s. of late Prof. T. Roger Smith, F.R.I.B.A; m. 1904 Ida, d. of late John Harris. Address University College, Gower St. W.C.; Rosegarth, Walden Road, Horsell, Woking; . Clu: Royal Societies.
  • Notice of probate in The London Gazette, 31 March 1931 page 2182.

* References

  1. London Gazette 31 March 1931
  2. Dictionary of Scottish Architects
  3. History of the British School at Athens: Architects and the BSA bsahistory.blogspot.co.uk/2008/01/architects-and-bsa.html
  4. Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies Chap. 6. Other Students in Athens. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.2041-5370.2011.tb00053.x/abstract
  5. Marriage Find My Past 1904
  6. Royal Societies Club, St. James's St. London, 1897 Members Names.
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