First name(s)
Ernest Chaveau
de Natoye
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Part Time Tutor, French Dept, King’s College School Ref: *3
  • Assistant French Master at King's College School, 1870-1873 Ref: *2

Education & professional details

Position(s) held (non King's College London)
  • Lieutenant Colonel Belgiun Service Military Ref: *1
  • Tutor Ref: *1

Personal details

Date of birth
c. 1834
Place of birth
Namur, Belgium


Resigned due to Ill Health in September 1873 Ref: *4


  1. 1881 England Census
  2. King's College London Calendars (1870-1873)
  3. King's College School Old Boys' Register (1866-1889), King’s College London Archives
  4. Secretary’s In-Correspondence, KA/IC/C78, King’s College London Archives
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