First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Assistant Lecturer of Mathematics (1890-1891) Ref: *1
  • Senior Lecturer of Mathematics (1891-)
  • Lecturer of Mathematics to the King's College Ladies Department (1892-1895)
  • Lecturer of Elementary Physics to the King's College Ladies Department (1892-1893)
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Applied Mathematics (1895-[1896]) Ref: *2

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended
  • King Edward’s School, Birmingham
  • St John’s College, Cambridge Ref: *3
  • BA (1885)
  • Math Tripos Part 3, 1st class (1886)
  • MA (1893) Ref: *3
Position(s) held (non King's College London)
  • Hulme Grammar School, Oldham, Lancashire (-1890) Ref: *1

Personal details

Date of birth
3 October 1862
Place of birth
13 Wood Street, Birmingham
Date of death
15 May 1898
Place of death
Formby, Liverpool
Family details

Son of Graham Holmes, a Master Plasterer, and Mary. Ref: *3


“Became insane” and died aged 36. Ref: *3 Holme’s place of death is likely the Shaftesbury House, a newly founded private insane asylum in Formby run by Dr Stanley Gill. Ref: *4 *5


  1. Secretary’s In-Correspondence, KA/IC/H89, King’s College London Archives
  2. Ibid., KA/IC/H91.
  3. Cambridge University Alumni, 1261-1900
  4. "Shaftesbury House", Formby Civic News, February 2006, 3. [Accessed 24 August 2017].
  5. First floor plan of new private lunatic asylum of Dr. Stanley A. Gill, situated at Formby, c. 1886, QSP/4229/51, Lancashire Archives.
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