First name(s)
John Lockhart
Position(s) held at King's College London

Lecturer on Agriculture and Land Management (1857)

Education & professional details

Position(s) held (non King's College London)

Fellow of the Royal Society of Scottish Agriculture, Edinburgh

Professional activities Ref: *2

Land Agent; Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland awarded Morton thirteen gold medals for his essays relating to agriculture.

Publications Ref: *2

Transactions of the Royal Highland Agricultural Society of Scotland, Edinburgh (1855-1856); The Resources of Estates: Being a Treatise on the Agricultural Improvement and General Management of Landed Property (1858). Morton offer a copy of his book to Kings College (3th April 1859).

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
Place of birth Ref: *1
Midlothian, Scotland
Family details Ref: *3

Son of Janet L. Morton (widow in 1851, born 1791, Lanarkshire), Eldon Place, Lasswade, Midlothian, Scotland; Sister — Janet Morton (born 1831).

Notes Ref: *4

  • Lived in Pitt St. Edinburgh (1855); Lived at 29 Parliament St. Westminster (1856). John Morton had many excellent references from his work with wealthy Scottish landowners which are documented in the King's College London Archives.
  • However he was arrested and charged for Forgery on 23 June 1859. He described his occupations variously as a civil engineer, merchant, land agent and bill-broker of Finch Lane, London E.C. John Lockhart Morton (32) was indicted for feloniously forging and uttering a bill of exchequer for £500 also a bill of exchequer for £485 10s with intent to defraud; to which he pleaded guilty and was sentenced to four year penal servitude. He was declared Bankrupt 29 Sept. 1859 and sent to Newgate Prison 1859. He was moved from Newgate to Millbank Prison (Dec 1859). Moved from Millbank to Dartmoor Prison (March 1860). His prison trade was given as a tailor. 1861 Census Dartmoor Prison one J.L.M. male, aged 34 years, unmarried, merchant, born Scotland. He was granted an early release from prison on 31 Oct. 1862, Licence number 12043.
  • No trace of Mr. Morton could be found after 1862.

* References

  1. Scottish Census 1841 Ref. p. 1, PRO HO 107, New Register House, Edinburgh; FHL microfilm 1, 042, 793
  2. Caledonian Mercury reporting Agricultural Prize Essays (Jan 10 1856)
  3. Prisoner Details Find My Past (CRIM9)
  4. King's College London Archives KA/IC/M65 and M66; Report of the Mansion House indictment by Daily News, London Wed. 8th June 1859 Issue 4077; Old Bailey Trial 4th July 1859 reference number t18590704-651; 1861 (RG 9/1458 folio 114 page 26); 1862 (PCOM 3/116/12043 The National Archives, Kew)
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