First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Roman Law (1888-89)
  • Professor of Principles and Practice of Commerce (1888-)
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Commercial Law (1888-[1896])
  • Dean of Evening Class Department (1890-[1896])
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Common Law (1892-1893)
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Law (1895-[1896])

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended
  • King’s College London (Evening College)
  • Middle Temple (1884-1887)
  • Called to the Bar 1887
  • Associate of Lincoln's Inn


Position(s) held (non King's College London)

Since the age of 14 employed by W.H. Smith, the Strand.

Professional activities

Associate of WH Smith

  • Edited and revised Lessons on Commerce: the Law and Customs of British Trade by Professor R. Gambaro of the Royal Commercial School, Genoa (1892)
  • with J.E. Forster, Registration of Business Names, Acts, Excess Profit, Duty and Corporation Tax (n.d.)

Personal details

Date of birth
21 June 1851
Place of birth
St Helier, Jersey
Date of death
13 December 1927
Place of death
Family details

Son of David Gault of Antrim. Married Ellen Sarah Rixon.


Gault, employed as a clerk at WH Smith, gained an LL.B by studying at KCL's evening classes; it was left to his contemporary, the academically well qualified John Rahere Paget, from a senior professional family, to give the prestigious Gilbart lectures leaving Gault to teach students in the evening classes.


  • KCL Archives KA/IC/G90
  • Who Was Who, 1916-1928.
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