First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Member of the College Council (1867-1868)

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended
  • Bedford School
  • Balliol College, Oxford Ref: *2 *3
  • BA (1824)
  • MA (1827)
  • BD (1839) Ref: *2 *3
Position(s) held (non King's College London)

Curate to Revd. Joseph Gould, Burwash, Sussex Ref: *2

Curate, St. George’s, Bloomsbury Ref: *2

Under-Secretary, Society for the Propagation of the Gospel Ref: *2

Secretary, Colonial Bishoprics Fund (1841-1864) Ref: *2

Missionary Society Administrator (1943-) Ref: *1 *3

Assistant Preacher, Lincoln’s Inn (1844) Ref: *2

Prebendary, St Paul’s Cathedral Ref: *2

Minister, Curzon Chapel, Mayfair Ref: *2

Fellow, Exeter College (1831-1852) Ref: *2

Canon of Westminster (1864) Ref: *2




Professional activities
  • Founding member, Colonial Bishoprics Council (1841) Ref: *2
  • Documents Relating to the Erection of Bishoprics in the Colonies, 1841–1855 (1855)
  • The Gospel Missionary (1852)
  • The Mission Field (1856)

Personal details

Date of birth
25 January 1802
Place of birth
Lawrence End, Kimpton, Hertfordshire
Date of death
5 October 1868
Place of death
20 Dean's Yard, Westminster
Family details

Sixth son of Henry Hawkins and Anne Gurney. Married to Sophia Anna Lefroy in 1852 (no children).  Ref: *2


  1. Secretary’s In-Correspondence, KA/IC/S40, King’s College London Archives
  2. Hawkins, Ernest (1802–1868),” Clare Brown in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, eee online ed., ed. David Cannadine, Oxford: OUP, 2004, http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/12665. [Accessed August 15, 2017].
  3. Oxford University Alumni, 1500-1886
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