First name(s)
Mildred Emily
Position(s) held at King's College London

Lecturer of Mathematics to King's College Ladies Department, 1898-[1899]

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended
  • Baker Street High School Ref: * 1
  • Girton College, Cambridge BA (1892-1895) Both parts of the Mathematical Tripos Part 1, Class II (1895) and Part II, Class III (1896) Ref: *2
  • MA Dublin (1905) Ref: *1
Position(s) held (non King's College London)
  • Begins teaching Maths in London c.1886
  • Lecturer of Mathematics to King's College Ladies Department, 1898-[1899]
  • Lecturer in Mathematics, Girton COllege, Cambridge (1899)
  • Maths Mistress, Dulwich College (1900-1902)
  • Lecturer in Mathematics, Alexandra College, Dublin (1902-1919) Ref: *1
Professional activities
Elected to London Mathematical Society, 1879 (Femininity, Mathematics and Science, 1880–1914, 159), following the reading of her paper on conformal mapping in 1898. Ref: *1

"The advisability of including some instruction in the school course on the history of mathematics." The mathematical gazette 7, no. 104 (1913): 72-79.

Personal details

Date of birth
5 November 1873
Place of birth
St George Hanover Square, London
Date of death
1 March 1978
Place of death
Bideford, Devon
Family details

Parents were Richard Barwell, a surgeon, and Mary Diana Shuttleworth.

* References

1.Mary RS Creese, Ladies in the Laboratory? American and British Women in Science, 1800-1900: A Survey of their Contributions to Research (Scarecrow Press, 2000), 196.

2.Claire. G. Jones, Femininity, Mathematics and Science, 1880–1914 (Springer, 2009), 159.

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