First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *3

Evening Class lecturer on Shorthand, 1878-1896

Education & professional details

Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *4
  • Schoolmaster Clerkenwell Parochial CofE School, 1861
  • Headmaster Turner's Free School, Primrose Hill, 1861-[1879]
  • Registrar of Births & Deaths, 1881-1891

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
28th March 1835
Place of birth Ref: *1
Chelsea, London
Date of death Ref: *2
19th October 1901
Place of death Ref: *2
Welling, Kent
Family details Ref: *5

Father William Bicknell, Schoolmaster St Stephens National Infants' School, River St, Islington; Mother Martha also schoolmistress at River St.; Spouse Rebecca Bilby, married 6 Oct 1860 Islington; Children William b1862; George b1863; Arthur b1866; Jeannie b1869

Notes Ref: *6

Clerkenwell Parochial School, founded in 1699, still exists as a school and has an archive which may include mention of William Bicknell. Article in Clerkenwell News on his promotion to Turner's Free School (see refs) mentions that he had been there "for many years"; Turner's Free School events are subject of several articles in London City Press (see refs). Bicknell is mentioned as presiding. Turner's Free School was ceased by Charity Commissioners in 1879 and the buildings sold. Bicknell was granted a yearly pension of 50. This is about the time that he joined King's College. He was recommended for his post at Kings by his immediate predecessor, Mansfield Collier Soutter, who mentions the post at Turner's; William and his family moved to Kent between 1881 and 1891, to live with his parents, at Montigny Place, Welling, which is where he died.

* References

  1. Christening Records Saint Luke Chelsea 1835 (Ancestry)
  2. National Probate Records 1901 p207
  3. King's College London Calendars 1878-1879 - 1895-1896 incl
  4. Clerkenwell News 1861 15 Jun p2 (Clerkenwell School); Census 1881 & 1891 (Registrar)
  5. Censuses 1851-1891 incl.; London CofE Marriages 1860 Parish Church of Islington Mddx (Ancestry)
  6. Clerkenwell News 15th June 1861 p2; London City Press 28th March 1868 p5; London City Press 5th March 1870 p6; London City Press 12th March 1870 p6; London City Press 4th March 1871 p3; London Daily News 29th May 1878 p1; 'The Turner's Free School Bishopsgate' Leeds Mercury 5th September 1879 p2; London Daily News 12th April 1880 p1
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