Title Refs: *2 *3
Revd, Prof
First name(s)
Alexander Israel
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *1
  • Lecturer of Military Science 1858-[1890]
  • Lecturer of Divinity 1859-[1863]
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Latin [1862]-1865
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Greek [1862]-1865
  • Lecturer of Hebrew and the Exegesis of the Old Testament 1863-1899
  • Professor of Latin 1863-1899

Education & professional details

Qualifications Ref: *2


Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *3
  • Rector of St. Magnus the Martyr 1861
Publications Refs: *4 *5

The Higher Criticism of the Old Testament; Secretary King's College, Strand, 1896

Personal details

Date of birth
Date of death Ref: *5
25th February 1899
Obituary Ref: *4


In Memory of the Rev. Alexander Israel McCaul, MA for upwards of thirty five years Rector of the United Parishes of St. Magnus the Martyr, St. Margaret New Fish Street and St. Michael Crooked Lane who died 25th February 1899 Aged 64 Buried at Ilford Cemetery. This Memorial has been erected by his Parishioners in affectionate remembrance and in testimony of the esteem in which he was held.

Family details Ref: *4

Son of Alexander McCaul, b. 16 May 1799, d. 1863

* References

  1. King's College London London Archives
  2. 93-94 King's College London Calendar
  3. discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk
  4. dailystormer.com
  5. books.google.co.uk
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