First name(s)
Frederick James
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *5

Lecturer and Evening School Lecturer in Agriculture, 1882-1897

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Ref: *4

Bristol Grammar School

Qualifications Ref: *3


Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *6
  • Post in the laboratory of Professor Augustus Voelcker, chemist to the Royal Agricultural Society (1870-1874)
  • Assistant to Sir Thomas Stevenson at Guy's Hospital (1874-1881)
  • Senior Assistant at the Royal Agricultural Society Laboratory in Hanover Square (1881-1883)
  • Started his own analytical practice in the City of London in autumn 1883
  • Several appointments as agricultural analyst under the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act
Professional activities Ref: *6

Chemist to the British Dairy Farmers' Association (1885-1923); Co-editor of Journal of the Bath & West of England Agricultural Society; member of the Central Chamber of Agriculture; Fellow of the Chemical Society/Institute of Chemistry (and abstractor for them for some years); Member of Council of the Institute of Chemistry and member of several of their committees [1920];

Publications Ref: *7
  • The science of agriculture' London: Longmans Green, 1884 [based on his lectures at King's College];
  • A number of papers in Journal of British Dairy Farmers Association.

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
Place of birth Ref: *1
Sketty, Glamorgan, Wales
Date of death Ref: *2
9th February 1923
Place of death Ref: *2
The Anchorage, Fillebrook Road, Leytonstone, Essex

F. J. LLOYD was one of the group of younger men who, coming under the influence of the late Augustus Voelcker, then chemist to the Royal Agricultural Society of England, learnt from him the method of agricultural analytical practice, and, in particular, the application of the principles of agricultural chemistry to the everyday needs of the farmer. This group, comprising Alfred Sibson, John Ruffle, John Hughes - all now deceased - and H. H. B. Shepherd, Alfred Smetham, Bernard Dyer, and J. A. and E. W. Voelcker, still with us, qualified in this way either to start in analytical practice on their own account, or to become advisers to one or other of the agricultural societies and organisations which then began to spread through the country. Lloyd was one of these, and his after-work was associated mainly with two such Societies, the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society and the British Dairy Farmers' Association.

Born in 1852, Lloyd was educated at Bristol Grammar School, and, coming to London in 1870, he, through the introduction of his cousin, Mr. H. M. Jenkins, then Secretary of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, obtained a post in the late Dr. Voelcker's private laboratory. Leaving this after four years, he went as assistant to the late Sir Thomas Stevenson at Guy's Hospital, and, on the Royal Agricultural Society opening their own laboratory at Hanover Square in 1881, Dr. Voelcker again took him as senior assistant there. Here he remained until autumn, 1883, when he started an analytical practice on his own account in the City of London.

From that time Lloyd's work was concerned mainly with the dairying interest, and, becoming chemist to the British Dairy Farmers' Association in 1885, he continued his active interest on behalf of that body until his death. He was, in this way, responsible for the extensive series of analyses required in connexion with the Dairy Shows annually held at the Agricultural Hall, a work of no small moment or concern. But Lloyd's work was much more than mere routine. He took particular interest in questions of animal nutrition, and contributed to the Journal of the British

Dairy Farmers' Association a number of papers bearing on this subject. Further, in his association with the Bath and West of England Agricultural Society, of whose Journal he was for a number of years co-editor, he carried out extensive investigations both on cheese-making, in relation chiefly to the chemical points involved, and on the manufacture of cider. His work on this latter subject, begun at Glastonbury in the year 1893, did a great deal to put the cider industry on a more scientific basis, and it was indeed the starting point of the research work subsequently so greatly developed at the Agricultural and Horticultural Research

Station, Long Ashton, Bristol, by Mr. B. T. P. Barker.

Lloyd held several appointments as agricultural analyst under the Fertilisers and Feeding Stuffs Act, and was a prominent member of the Central Chamber of Agriculture, interesting himself in all matters of a chemical nature affecting the farming industry.

He was quite a good chemist, an accurate analyst, and a hard

worker. He possessed a sound knowledge of agricultural chemistry, and for some years acted as abstractor for the Chemical Society.

He published in 1884 " Science of Agriculture" (Longmans), the outcome of lectures which he had given in his capacity of lecturer on Agriculture at King's College, London. Of his scientific work, however, it must be said that it never obtained for him the recognition which it deserved, and others built up largely on the foundations which he had laid.

Peculiarities of temperament and a certain aggressiveness stood much in his way and made his life a chequered and hard one, for he never succeeded in establishing a really good analytical practice, and his later years were attended by much anxiety. At the same time, he was a man who ever held the highest ideals as to the dignity of the chemical profession, and, whether in the Institute of Chemistry (of which he was a Fellow), or at the Farmers' Club (at which he was often a capable contributor to the discussions), he never failed to uphold these views and to impress that the profession of chemistry should occupy a more important position, and be more extensively made use of in the pursuit of agricultural and other industries.

Lloyd died, after a very brief illness, on February 8th at the age of seventy.


Family details Ref: *8

Son of Frederick John Lloyd (born 1823), clerk at the Bank of England, and Harriet H. (born in Swansea, Wales) of Stoke Newington, Middlesex; siblings: David born 1855, Mary Isabel born 1856, Edward A. born 1860; married Mabel Caroline Kendal (born 1857 Islington) on 22nd July 1882 at St Barnabas, Islington; children: unknown daughter born 13th May 1883, Marjory G. born 1887, Gladys M. born 1898, Michael J. born 1890.

Notes Ref: *9

  • He worked on several cases which were reported in local newspapers including: death of a baby from unlabelled opium (Biggleswade 1878), additives to clotted cream (Westminster Police Court 1899), milk with a deficiency of milk fat (Biggleswade 1903), injurious cattle cake ingredients for young stock (Wells 1906), milk quality (Epsom 1911), adulterated milk (Southend 1914);
  • In July 1880 he was one of ten applicants for the post of City Analyst Bristol (he was unsuccessful);
  • His series of 40 lectures on Agriculture at King's College were advertised in the press;

* References

  1. Censuses 1861, 1881, 1891, 1901 & 1911, BMD 1852 Swansea vol 11a, p389, Obituary in Journal of the Chemical Society, Transactions 1923 Vol 123 pp946-948 by J.A.Voelcker
  2. Obituary op.cit., National Probate Calendar (London) 1923
  3. King's College London Calendars
  4. Obituary op.cit.
  5. Letter King's College London/IC/L73 1886, King's College London Calendars 1883-1884 to 1897-1898 inclusive
  6. Obituary op.cit., Proc. Inst, Chemistry of 1st January 1922 for year ending 1st March 1920 at
  7. OCLC World Catalogue, British Library Catalogue, St James Gazette 22nd October 1884 p6, Obituary op.cit
  8. Censuses 1861, 1881, 1891, 1901, 1911, Marriage register of St Barnabas, Hornsey Road, Islington 22nd July 1882, Marriage announcement in Morning Post 25th July 1882 p1, Birth announcement in Sevenoaks Chronicle & Kentish Advertiser 18th May 1883 p5
  9. Cambridge Independent Press 19th October 1878 p8, London Evening Standard 29th December 1899 p6, Biggleswade Chronicle 17th April 1903 p3, Western Daily Press 18th December 1906 p7, Western Gazette 21st December 1906 p11, Taunton Courier & Western Advertiser 26th December 1906 p3, Dorking & Leatherhead Advertiser 30th September 1911 p8, Essex Newsman 31st October 1914 p1, Chelmsford Chronicle 30 October 1914 p7, Appt of City Analyst in Bristol Mercury 10th July 1880 p6, Lectures advertised in Sevenoaks Chronicle & Kentish Advertiser 29th September 1882 p7 and in Morning Post 10th October 1883 p6
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