First name(s)
Samuel John
Position(s) held at King's College London

Lecturer in Geometrical, Engineering and Architectural Drawing (1885-1886) Ref: *1

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended
  • Educated privately by a Huguenot family
  • Royal College of Art
  • Academie Royal des Beaux Arts, Antwerp Ref: *6
Position(s) held (non King's College London)
  • Evening lecturer, School of Practical Art, London (-1886)
  • First Principal of Hamilton Art School, Canada (1886-) Ref: *2
Professional activities
  • Freemason, Hartington Lodge, Barrow-in-Furness (1875-) Ref: *5
  • Elected Council Member, Hamilton Association for the Advancement of Literature, Science and Art (1888, 1889) Ref: *2

Personal details

Date of birth
Place of birth
Barnstaple, Devon, England
Date of death
25 March 1915
Place of death
Hamilton, Wentworth Co., Ontario, Canada
Family details

Married to Kate Sandell in 1879. Ref: *3 Children wereKate E M, Hamilton Sandell, Amy Marguerite, George Augustus, Frances Annette and Ethel Leah May. Ref: *3 *4


  1. Secretary’s In-Correspondence, KA/IC/G82, KA/IC/G83, KA/IC/IJ64, King’s College London Archives
  2. Toni Bruce, "Common Ground: Early Strategies of the Hamilton Art School, 1885-1888". MA Thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa, 1999. 40, 88.
  3. Samuel John Ireland Family Tree,
  4. 1911 Census of Canada
  5. Freemasonry Membership Registers
  6. Grace Cowling, "DNA determines your type of art", Painter's Keys. [Accessed 31 August 2017]
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