First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Teacher of Materia Medica [temporary] [1836]

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended
  • The King’s School, Canterbury
  • Edinburgh University
  • Edinburgeh Medical School
  • Windmill Street School (anatomy) Ref: *1
  • MD (1811, Edinburgh) Ref: *1
Position(s) held (non King's College London)
  • Physician (London) (1817-)
  • Consulting Physician to St George’s and St James’s Dispensary (1817-)
  • Lecturer, Windmill Street School (1818-)
  • Lecturer in skin diseases at St Thomas's Hospital (1842-)
  • Physician to the Smallpox and Vaccination Hospital (1824) Ref: *1
Professional activities

Physician and vaccinator.

  • MRCS
  • MRCP
  • Member of the Provincial Medical and Surgical Association (including the vaccination committee)
  • Fellow of the Medico-Chirurgical Society (1821-)
  • Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (1839) Ref: *1


  • Elements of the Theory and Practice of Physic (1820)
  • Lectures on the Eruptive Fevers (1843)
  • Observations on Vaccination and Smallpox (1841) Ref: *1

Personal details

Date of birth
16 August 1790
Place of birth
Precincts of Canterbury Cathedral
Date of death
25 January 1853
Place of death
Camden Square, London
Family details

Second son of the Revd William Gregory and Catharine Sayer. Ref: *1

* References

  1. “Gregory, George (1790–1853),” Deborah Brunton in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, eee online ed., ed. David Cannadine, Oxford: OUP, 2004, [Accessed July 12, 2017].
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