First name(s)
Charles Abbott
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Assistant Master of King's College School, 1874-1887
  • Evening Class Lecturer on Greek, 1875-1887
  • Evening Class Lecturer on Latin, 1875-1887

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended
  • Christ Church college, Oxford Ref: *1

Personal details

Date of birth
Date of death
October 1886
Place of death
Strand, London
Family details

Married to Elizabeth Edwards [1845-] on 2 Aug 1876.Ref: *2 Children were Son Charles F.M. Brown(1879–) and Lucy Elizabeth Medlicott Brown(1880–).

* References

1. Oxford University Alumni, 1500-1886

2.Somerset Parish Records, 1538-1914

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