First name(s)
Edgar March
Position(s) held at King's College London Refs: *1 *2
  • First Professor of Bacteriology (founded laboratory for human and veterinary pathology), 1885 
  • Fellow, 1888 
  • Emeritus Professor of Comparative Pathology & Bacteriology, 1901 

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Ref: *1

King's College School, (junior scholar 1878, 2nd year scholar 1879); King's College Hospital

Qualifications Ref: *1


Position(s) held (non King's College London) Refs: *1 *2
  • Governor of Royal Veterinary College
  • Civil Surgeon Medical Staff Egyptian Campaign, medal and clasp, Tel el Kebir & Khedive's Star
Professional activities Ref: *2


Publications Refs: *1 *2
  • A Manual of Bacteriology, 1886
  • Bacteriology and Infective Disease, 4th edition translated into French;
  • Photography of Bacteria, 1887
  • History and Pathology of Vaccination, 1889
  • The Prevention of Smallpox
  • Contributor:  Evidence on Medical Service in Egypt Blue book 1883.
  • ‘Report on the Antiseptic Methods employed at the field and base hospitals of the Egyptian Expeditions’, Lancet 1883 
  • ‘Remarks on the Cholera bacillus of Koch’ Ibid 1885
  • ‘On the so-called Hendon Cow Disease in relation to Scarlet Fever’ Path Trans & Rep Agric. Dept Privy Council 1887
  • ‘Anthrax in Swine’ BMA1888
  • Tubercular Mammatis
  • History and Pathology of Actinmycosis Rep. Agric. Dept Privy Council, 1888 
  • Several papers BMJ, Lancet & Journal Royal Agric. Soc 1894-1899

Personal details

Date of birth
Place of birth Ref: *3
Boulogne, France
Date of death Ref: *1
1st July 1928
Place of death Ref: *1
East Grinstead
Family details Ref: *3

Son of Chichester Graham and Helen Crookshank, married to Harriett


Won Exhibition and gold medal in anatomy 1879; honours in midwifery 1884; served in Egyptian Expedition 1882; received Khedival Star and other decorations. Studied under Pasteur in Paris and later under Koch in Berlin

* References

  1. H. Willoughby Lyle, King’s and Some King’s Men (Oxford and London: Oxford University Press and Humphrey Milford, 1935). 274
  2. Medical Directory
  3. 1891 Census

Portrait: Edgar March Crookshank, Redfern, © All rights reserved Royal Veterinary College.

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