First name(s)
Francis Richardson
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • House Surgeon at King's College Hospital, 1871-1872
  • Medical Tutor, 1875-1878 Ref: *1
  • Sub-Dean of Medical Department, 1875-1878 Ref: *1
  • Evening Class Lecturer on Physiology, 1877-1878 Ref: *2 *3

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended
  • Crewkerne Grammar School
  • King's College London, Medical Department (1866-)
  • MB (1879)
  • FRCS (1878)
  • LL.D
  • JP
Position(s) held (non King's College London)
  • Clinical Assistant, Moorfields Eye Hospital (1875-)
  • Lecturer on Descriptive and Surgical Anatomy  Bristol Medical School, (1878-1887)
  • Lecturer in Opthamology, Bristol Medical School (1900-1927)
  • Reader in Opthalmology, Bristol Medical School
  • Assistant Surgeon, Bristol Royal Infirmary
  • Surgeon, Bristol Eye Hospital
  • President, Royal School for the Blind
  • Consulting Surgeon, Bristol Royal Infirmary
  • High Sheriff of Bristol (1898) Ref: *2
Professional activities
  • Council Member, Royal College of Surgeons  (-1914)
  • Council Member, Clifton College
  • President of the Opthalmological Society of the United Kingdom (1914)
  • Vice-President, Opthalmological Section of the International Medical Congress, London (1913)
  • Consulting Surgeon, Bristol Eye Hospital Ref: *2

Personal details

Date of birth
Date of death
Died Worcester House, Clifton
Place of death
12 July 1931


  1. F. R. Cross, Job Application, Secretary’s In-Correspondence, KA/IC/C85, King’s College London Archives
  2. 2.H. Willoughby Lyle, King’s and Some King’s Men (Oxford and London: Oxford University Press and Humphrey Milford, 1935), 145-147
  3. Secretary’s In-Correspondence, KA/IC/C89, King's College London Archives

Portrait: Francis Richardson Cross, MB, FRCS, LLD by Beatrice Bright (1861–1940), oil on canvas, 1920. © All rights reserved University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust

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