Title Ref: *1
Lady (1916)
First name(s)
Helen Mary
Tirard nee Beloe
Position(s) held at King's College London

Lecturer on Antiquities in the Kings College Ladies Department: Life in Ancient Egypt - 6 lectures, 3 demonstrations at the British Museum: 27th November, 4th and 11th December 1889. Thereafter: 1890, 1891, [1892], 1893, 1894:

Education & professional details

Professional activities Ref: *6

HT was on the subscriptions list (from 1885) of the Egypt Exploration Fund, founded by Amelia Edwards in 1882 (AE wrote the book A Thousand Miles up the Nile, 1876). HT was Local Honorary Secretary for the West Metropolitan District 1886-7, and on the EEF Committee from 1887. She is entered as Lady Tirard from 1916.


A Lady in Ancient Egypt" (The Woman's World 1, 1887-1888); The Great Sphinx: Ideas of the Sphinx in the Ancient World (Archaeological Journal 47, 1891); Sketches from a Nile Steamer; for the Use of Travellers in Egypt (with Nestor Tirard, 1891 **); Life in Ancient Egypt, described by Adolf Erman (1885) (translated by HM Tirard. London, New York, Macmillan 1894); The Egyptian Book of the Dead (with an introduction by Edouard Naville DLL, PhD. London Society for the promoting of Christian Knowledge, Northumberland Avenue, WC. 1910)

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *2
April 1852
Place of birth Ref: *3
South Lynn, Norfolk
Date of death Ref: *4
21st May 1943
Place of death Ref: *5
Newbury, Berkshire
Family details Ref: *6

Daughter of Rev Robert Soppings Beloe and Elizabeth Mary Ware; married Professor Sir Nestor Isidore Charles Tirard (1853-1928), Professor of Materia Medica and Pharmacology, Kings' College London in 1885. 

Notes Refs: *7 *8

  • 1) In the Introduction to her Egyptian Book of the Dead (1910) Dr Edouard Naville notes that the author some years ago delivered some lectures to students at the British Museum on the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Many who attended the lectures expressed the desire to see them in print, which led to the writing of this book. The students referred to are probably those from King's College London referred to in (10) above. He also says of her " Mrs Tirard has not only studied the translations of the whole of this collection of texts, which but few scholars have had the courage to attack. She has not allowed herself to be discouraged by those obscure passages where we are still so far from understanding the true sense. Mrs Tirard has succeeded very well in disentangling the fundamental ideas from this confused mass of material which formed (? ) the spiritual goods and chattels which the Egyptian was supposed to carry with him to the other world."
  • 2) Helen's husband Sir Nestor Tirard (see 14) also gave series of lectures to the King's College London Ladies' Department on 'Physiology and the laws of Health'.
  • Nestor Tirard was knighted 1916.
  • The Tirards lived at 28 Weymouth Mews, London W.

* References

  1. Records of the Egypt Exploration Society 1915-1916
  2. search.ancestry.co.uk
  3. ibid
  4. ibid
  5. ibid
  6. Who was Who in Egyptology (4th revised edition by Morris Bierbrier. The Egypt Exploration Society, 2 Doughty Mews, London WC1 N2PG)
  7. (16.1) The Book of the Dead, with an introduction by Edouard Naville DLL PhD (London, Society for promoting Christian Knowledge, Northumberland Avenue, WC. 1910)
  8. (16.2) King's College London (Ladies) Calendar 1886-1887 Page 347.
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