First name(s)
Thomas Minchin
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Lecturer of Mathematics (1846-1856)
  • Professor of Manufacturing Art and Machinery (1852-1860)
  • Professor of Natural Philosophy (1854-1860)
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Mathematics (1850)
  • Member of College Council (1884-1892)

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Ref: *1
  • Merchant Taylor's School
  • King's College London
Qualifications Ref: *5
  • B.A. (1843)
  • M.A. (1846)
Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *1
  • First Professor of Mathematics at Imperial College London
  • Prof. of Astronomy at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich
  • Prof.of mathematics and applied mechanics at the Royal School of Mines, South Kensington (1869-)
  • Lecturer in Mechanics and Mathematics at the Royal College of Science (-1894) 
  • Professor of Applied Mathematics and Physics at the R.M. Academy, Woolwich
Professional activities Refs: *1 *2
  • Adm.at the Inner Temple 6th January 1840, called to Bar 27th January 1862, on the South Eastern Circuit, had a considerable practice in patent cases.
  • The Engineering Society at King’s College London was re-established in 1857 by Professor Goodeve following its dissolution and the founding of a Shakespearean Reading Society in its place by, then student, W S Gilbert
Publications Ref: *3
  • Principles of Mechanics
  • The Elements of Mechanism
  • (as editor) Abstract of reported cases relating to letters patent for inventions... to... 1883
  • A Manual of Mechanics: An Elementary Text-Book, etc (London: Longmans & Co., 1886)
  • Text-Book on the Steam Engine (London: Crosby Lockwood & Co., 1879 (2nd Edition)
  • Text-Books of Science, Adapted for the use of Artisans, etc. (London, 1870)

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
26th November 1820
Place of birth Ref: *1
Greatham, Hampshire
Date of death Ref: *1
10th February 1902
Place of death Ref: *1
Family details Ref: *1

Son of John Goodeve and Elisa Minchin; siblings: Charles, Henry, Eliza Marie, Joseph; 1st marriage spouse unknown; married Geraldine Sophia Weigall on 16th June 1873; children: Mabel Caroline andThomas Edward

* References

  1. England Census 1861 and 1891
  2. CA KSE/M, KSE/SB, KSE/RAD, KSE/FR, KSE/L, KSE/SB, KSE/PBN, King's College London Archives.
  3. http://www.archive.org
  4. The Times 27 January 1862, 9 issue.
  5. King's College Calendar 1852-1853, 35
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