First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Professor of Persian (1889-)

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended
  • King’s College School
  • King’s College, London Ref: *1
Position(s) held (non King's College London)
  • Commissioned ensign in the East India Company’s army (1839)
  • Lieutenant, 37th Madras native infantry (1840)
  • Interpreter, Hindustani (1845), Persian (1849) and Arabic (1851)
  • Promoted to Captain (1851)
  • Assistant Adjutant-General of the Nagpur Subsidiary Field Force
  • Deputy Collector in the Civil Service
  • Assistant Commissioner for the settlement of alienated lands in the province of Sind
  • Volunteer in the Crimea 
  • Promoted to Brevet Major  (1856)
  • Staffer for Sir Bartle Frere, Chief Commissioner of Sind
  • Superintendent for carriage of telegraph wires across Persia to Baluchistan (India) 
  • Superintended construction of telegraph line across Persia
  • Promoted to Brevet-Lieutenant-Colonel (1863)
  • Promoted to Major (1864)
  • Promoted to Lieutenant-Colonel (1865)
  • Colonel (1870)
  • CB (1866)
  • Commissioner for the Delimitation of the Boundary between Persia and Baluchistan (1871)
  • Created KCSI in (1871)
  • British Representative on the International Commission in to Indian immigration in Réunion
  • Controller of Crown Lands (Daira Sanieh, Eqypt) (1880-1883)
  • Administrateur Délégué de L'Association International, Belgian Congo Ref: *1


Professional activities
  • Army Officer and writer
  • Secretary, Royal Asiatic Society (1885-1887)
  • Vice-President, Royal Asiatic Society (1890-1905)
  • Member, Royal Geographical Society Ref: *1
  • Travel and Telegraph (1874)
  • Life of Sir James Outram (1880)

Personal details

Date of birth
19 May 1818
Place of birth
Date of death
12 January 1908
Place of death
29 Phoenix Lodge Mansions, Brook Green, Hammersmith
Family details

Only son of Lionel Prager Goldsmid. Married to Mary Steuart, their having two sons and four daughters. Ref: *1


  1. G. S. Woods, “Goldsmid, Sir Frederic John (1818–1908),” rev. Alex May, in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, eee ed. H. C. G. Matthew and Brian Harrison (Oxford: OUP, 2004); online ed., ed. David Cannadine, 2004, http://www.oxforddnb.com/view/article/33443 (accessed July 5, 2017).
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