73 items.

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MacDonald, Greville Matheson

  • King's College Hospital, Clerk to Sir Joseph Lister 
  • Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy, 1885 
  • Assistant Physician for Diseases of the Throat then Chair of Anatomy 1898 
  •  retired in…

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MacDonald, T Mosse

Secretary of King's College Hospital, 1884-1889

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Mackarness, Charles Coleridge

  • Lecturer of the Exegesis of the New Testament 1879-1881
  • Censor and Chaplain 1879-1881
  • Lecturer of Pastoral Theology 1881-1882
  • Evening Class Lecturer of the Greek…

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MacKay, Herbert J H

  • Evening Class Lecturer of Roman Law, 1888-1892
  • Evening Class Lecturer of the law of real and Personal Property, 1892-1894
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Law, 1895-[1896]

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Macmillan, Alexander

Professor of Indian Jurisprudence, 1899-[1904]

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Madden, Wyndham Monson

Second Mathematical Master at King's College School, 1886-1888

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Major, John Richardson

Headmaster of King's College School, 1830-1866

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Manning, George Theodore

Clerk in the Secretary's Office 1840-1843

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Mariette, Charles Paul Alphonse (known as Alphonse)

  • Lecturer in French (1854-1856)
  • Professor of French (1856 -1885)
  • Fellow and Emeritus Professor of French Literature.

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Markby, Thomas

  • Assistant Master of King's College School, 1847-1854
  • Censor, 1848-1850
  • Reader, 1849-1850

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Markland, James Heywood

College Solicitor, [1829]-1843

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Marsh, Edgar Thomas

Master of the Commercial Division of King's College School, 1891-1892

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Marshall, Thomas Ansell

Assistant Master of King's College School, 1863-1864

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Marshall, William

Lecturer of Land Surveying and Levelling, 1865-[1878]

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Masham, John

Tutor of Divinity, 1893

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Master, Streynsham Mosley

  • Assistant Master of King's College School [master of 5th Class], 1864-1869
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Latin, 1867-1869
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Greek, 1867-1869

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Masters, William

Curator of the Museum of Anatomy, 1846-1847

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Matley, Frederick

Assistant in the Chemical Laboratory, 1870-[1876]

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Matthews, Valentine

Sambrooke Medical Registrar, 1882

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Maxted, Charles

  • Arithmetical and Writing Master at King's College School (1884-1879);
  • Lecturer of Physical Geography and Geology at King's College School (1879-1894]

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McAnally, David

  • Lecturer of Divinity 1853

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McCaul, Alexander Israel

  • Lecturer of Military Science 1858-[1890]
  • Lecturer of Divinity 1859-[1863]
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Latin [1862]-1865
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Greek [1862]-1865
  • Lecturer…

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McCaul, Joseph Benjamin

  • Lecturer in Divinity 1852
  • Reader 1852-1854
  • Censor 1852-1854

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McCaul, Samuel

Evening Class Lecturer in the Civil service class, 1864-1871

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