Prof, Capt
First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *4

Professor of Military Science (Fortification and Military Strategy, 1849-1852

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended

Royal Military College, Sandhurst (1830-1833); (July 1845-November 1846).


Ensign (1833); Lieutenant (1835); Captain (1839).

Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *5
  • Joined the 69th (South Lincolnshire) Regiment of Foot;
  • Acting Adjutant, Ireland (1833-1839);
  • Nova Scotia (1839-1842);
  • Ireland (1842-1845);
  • Student at RM College(1845-1846);
  • Government Inspecting Office at Kilkenny, Ireland (1847);
  • 1st Battalion based in Malta (December 1847-July 1848).
Professional activities
  • Served in the Horse Guards (1833 -1845);
  • Captain in HM 69th Regiment of Foot (1839-1849));
  • Professor at the Military Staff College, Sandhurst (1853 -1880).

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
28th January 1815
Place of birth Ref: *2
Dover, Kent
Date of death Ref: *3
Place of death Ref: *3
Thanet, Kent
Family details Ref: *6

Son of Robert Walker and Elizabeth Mozier; three brothers and two sisters: eldest brother was Rev. R. Walker Culham Vicarage, Abingdon, Oxfordshire 1849, Reader in Experimental Philosophy at Oxford University and Mathematical Lecturer at Wadham College. 

William Walker's two daughters were Louisa E Walker born New Brunswick, Canada 1842, she remained unmarried and lived with her father and Marianne Walker born Millinger, Ireland 1844. Name of his wife is not known but he was a widower age 36 in 1851

Notes Ref: *6

The 69th had the nickname the"Ups and Downs" as the number 69 is the same either way up or down. Full title of Captain Walker's Regiment was the 69th (South Lincolnshire) Regiment of Foot. Captain Walker lived in 37, Westbourne Grove, Paddington in 1851, RMC Offices Quarters Frimley, Surrey in 1861 and 1871, Goring, Berks in 1881 and Thanet, Granville Gardens in 1891. Capt. Walker employed servants in each of his houses between 1851 and 1891.

* References

  1. KA/IC/W23 Correspondence to King's College London from his brother Rev. R. Walker
  2. 1871 Census
  3. England & Wales Death Index
  4. King's College London Calendar 1851
  5. KA/IC/W25 Correspondence to King's College London from his brother Rev. R. Walker; " A Narrative of the Historical Events Connected with the Sixty-ninth Regiment" by Sir William Francis Butler published 1870. http://archive.org/stream/anarrativehisto01butlgoog#page/n128/mode/2up
  6. 1851 Census, 1861 Census, 1871 Census, 1881 Census, 1891 Census, Family Search England Births and Christenings Batch Number C03655-1
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