First name(s)
Edward Felix
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Assistant to Professor Huntington (1882-1884)
  • Demonstrator of Physiology (1884-1886)
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Physics (1885-1890)
  • Assistant Demonstrator of Natural Philosophy (1886-1894)
  • Lecturer in Physiology in the King's College Ladies Department (1886-1888)
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Electricity and Magnetism (1890-1892)
  • Evening Class Lecturer on Heat and Light (1890-1892)
  • Demonstrator in Physics (1894-1903)
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Physics (1895-1896)
  • Lecturer of Experimental Philosophy (1900-1908)
  • Assistant Professor of Physics (1903-1908)

Education & professional details

Professional activities

Member, Physiological Society (1884)

Publications Ref: *3
  • Journal of Physiology (1884-1885) with Prof. of Physiology G.F.Yeo F.R.C.S. published three papers on the composition of bile, summation of striated muscle and the sound produced in a contraction of striated muscle;
  • Journal of Physiology (1891) Herroun and Crookshank published a joint contribution on the products of tubercle bacillus;
  • A Note on the Electromotive Frces of Gold and of Platinum Cells, E.F.Herroun
  • Philosophical Magazine, Series 5 Volume 33, Issue 205, 1892);
  • ‘Laboratory Determinations of the Magnetic Properties of Certain Igneous Rocks’, A. F. Hallimond and E. F. Herroun (Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Containing Papers of a Mathematical and Physical Character, Vol. 141, No. 844 (1st August 1933), pp. 302-314, Published by: Royal Society).

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
Place of birth Ref: *1
Date of death Ref: *2
5th January 1953
Place of death Ref: *2
Reigate, Surrey
Family details


Notes Refs: *2 *3 *4

  • Paid 5 5s 0d to the Queen's College Building Fund (1893);
  • Prof. Herroun lived at North Bank, Yorke Road, Reigate, Surrey (1911) where he had a laboratory;
  • At a Physiological Society meeting at Kings College Prof. Herroun presided at the dinner despite the presence of Prof. Yeo (1889). Prof. Herroun was a Fellow of Kings College (F.K.C.) and a Fellow of the Institute of Chemistry of Great Britain (F.I.C.).
  • Probate published March 1953.

* References

  1. Birth Registration Index Sept. 1862 Greenwich vol. 1d, 575 line 150
  2. Probate London March 1953
  3. British Physiologists, “E.F. Herroun (1885-1914)”
  4. Morning Post 26 February 1893; 1911 Census; King's College London Calendar 1905: http://www.jstor.org/stable/96131
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