First name(s)
Position(s) held at King's College London
  • Lecturer of Geometrical Drawing, 1838-1848
  • Professor of Geometrical Drawing, 1848-1869

Education & professional details

Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *2
  • Superintendent of the Royal College of Practical Science, 1838
  • Lecturer at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, 1855


Publications Refs: *4 *5 *7

Elements of Practical Geometry, 1836 (publisher unknown)

Practical Geometry, Linear Perspective and Projection, London: Baldwin and Craddock, 1834 (has the following note on the front page ‘Published under the Superintendence of the Society for the diffusion of Useful Knowledge’)

Lecture on Practical Plane and Descriptive Geometry, mechanical and machine drawing, and building construction London: G. E. Eyre & W. Spottiswoode, 1860

Elements of Geometrical Drawing or Practical Geometry, Plane and Solid Including both Orthographic and Perspective Projection, two volumes, London: Chapman and Hall, 1861

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
2nd February 1799
Place of birth Ref: *1
Westminster, London
Date of death
Place of death
Greenwich, London.
Family details

Father Edward Bradley; Mother Elizabeth; Sister Elizabeth (b1808); Wife Charlotte Ann Berkeley (b1799 Oundle, Northamptonshire) married on 10th April 1829 at Old Church, St. Pancras, London; Daughter Grace E. Bradley (b1830); Son Frederick Alfred Bradley (b1835).

Notes Refs: *6 *7

  • Thomas Bradley was christened on 28th April 1799 at St. Anne's Church, Soho, London
  • Residence in 1838 Rose Cottage, Kentish Town, London (KA/IC/B16).
  • In 1861, residence was 2, Sunfield Terrace, Greenwich, London
  • Thomas Bradley was the first one to give lectures on Descriptive Geometry during the 1839-1841 sessions at the Engineering Department of Kings College, London. These lectures were also part of the syllabus of architecture at King's
  • Occupation in the 1861 census was listed as ‘Civil Service Master Royal Marines Academy, Woolwich
  • Lectured on 16th April 1860 on Geometrical Drawing
  • Gave Science Lectures at South Kensington Museum, 1870


* References

  1. Family Search Batch Number C15051-2
  2. Letter to King's College 17th May1838 KA/IC/B16
  3. List of Publications by the Science and Art Department, South Kensington, Published by Chapman and Hall, October 1870
  4. The Great Exhibition 1851; These books were among a collection of Professor William Joseph Glenny given to King's College Library in 1886 by his widow, Sophia Glenny, KA/IC/G86
  5. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/Record/000662075
  6. 1861 Census; Family Search LDS Church Batch No. C150051-2
  7. History of Descriptive Geometry in England by Snezana Lawrence 2003 page 1273 and Reference List
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