First name(s)
John Barnard
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *3

Evening lecturer Arithmetic and Book Keeping (1895-1896)

Education & professional details

Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *4

Army Tutor/Coach

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
Place of birth Ref: *1
Date of death Ref: *2
Place of death Ref: *2
Family details Ref: *5

Son of John Scott James,  Congregational Minister in Stratford, Warwickshire, and Mary E. Married to Maude Isabel Jessie Rodger in 1902 at St Peter, Paddington. No children.

* References

  1. BMD 1867 Wandsworth Vol 1D, p514; Census 1871, 1881
  2. BMD 1915 Kensington Vol 1A, p113
  3. King's College London Calendar 1895-1896
  4. Census 1901, 1911
  5. Census 1861, 1871, 1881, 1901 & 1911; marriage in parish register of St Peter, Paddington and in BMD 1902 Paddington Vol 1A, p 116
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