First name(s)
William St Chad
Position(s) held at King's College London Ref: *5

Evening Class Lecturer in Oriental Archaeology, 1895/96

Education & professional details

School, college and/or university attended Ref: *4

Rossall College or Northern Church of England School, Thornton, Fylde, Lancashire, 1871

Qualifications Ref: *3


Position(s) held (non King's College London) Ref: *6

Assyriologist British Museum (1876) temporarily standing in for Mr George Smith

Professional activities Ref: *7

Fellow of the Royal Historical Society (15th January 1885-21st January 1886 only); member of Society British Archaeology

Publications Ref: *8

'Their [Hittite] inscriptions' and 'The Assyrians in Eastern Palestine and Syria Deserta' both in Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 13.3 July 1881 p221-224;

'A Phoenecian Funereal Tablet' in Palestine Exploration Fund Quarterly Statement 14.1 Jan 1882 pp38-47 

Textbook of cuneiform inscriptions: prepared for the use of students, London: s.n., 1886;

'The testament of the monuments to Old Testament history' in 'The summary and analysis of the books of the Old Testament (Teachers' Bible), new edition, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1894 

The Bible and the monuments; the primitive Hebrew records in the light of modern research [S.I.], Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1895 and 3rd edition, 1897 

The first of empires: Babylon of the Bible in the light of latest research, London & New York, Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1903

Personal details

Date of birth Ref: *1
9th Dec 1854
Place of birth
Hanmer, Flintshire, Wales
Date of death Ref: *2
1st Apr 1913
Place of death Ref: *2
154 High Street, Camden Town, East St Pancras
Family details Ref: *9

Father: William H Boscawen, Vicar of Hanmer; sister: Isabelle Nina Boscawen (b1857); spouse: Catherine (d17th July 1904 Middlesex Hospital)

Notes Ref: *10

  • Birth: registered William Henry but William St Chad entered in section 10 of the birth certificate " Name entered after registration".  St Chad's was a local church, possibly his father's incumbency? .
  • Published an extensive letter to The Times entitled 'Remarkable Babylonian Inscription from Susa'
  • Gave a series of 6 public lectures commissioned by and at the British Museum on 'The History and Antiquities of Assyrian and Babylonian Empires' (1885)
  • Also gave similar lectures at the British Museum on 'The new bronze gates of Balawat, Assyria' (1879); at the London Institution (1880), at the Victoria Institute (1886), and at University College on 'Chaldean archaeology' (1893). All mentioned in The Times.
  • Various passing references in The Times to a field trip expedition to Assyria (1879-1880)

* References

  1. Birth certificate BMD ref 1855 6A, 655
  2. Death Certificate BMD ref 1913 1B, 84; National Probate Calendar 1925 p321
  3. newspaper article on BM lecture refers passim The Times 28th May 1879 p10
  4. Census 1871 Thornton, Fylde Pc 4224, f150, p13 BUT n.b. the census reference numbers do not appear to be indexed on FindMyP
  5. King's College London Calendar 1895-1896 p41
  6. Sunderland Daily Echo 13th September 1876 p3
  7. Royal Historical Society Minute Books 1886; King's College London Calendar 1895-1896 p41
  8.; British Library Main Catalogue; Wrexham Advertiser 1893 p3; The Times 3rd September 1894 p6; The Times 4th May 1897 p8; The Times 15th January 1904 p6
  9. Census 1861 Pc 1882, f39, p15
  10. The Times 1901 Jan 29 p13
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