King's College London
War Memorials
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Memorial Listings For "World War One (1914-1918)"

Cleall, Percy Cawdell ›

Cleall, Percy Cawdell, Lieut. 6th (Territorial) Battn. The Essex Regt., Temp. Capt. and Brigade Musketry Officer, 206th Infantry Brigade, 1916-1918, elder s. of…

Clifford, Anthony Clifford ›

Clifford A.C. 2nd Lieut. 3rd Dragoon Guards. Educated at Marlborough and Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Qualified M.B., B.C. (Cantab); M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P.. Was President…

Cocks, John (Jack) Stanley ›

To many Guy’s men the death of J.S. Cocks at Beirut following Typhus will be a source of profound regret.  Those who knew him intimately will mourn one of those…

Codd, Stephen Arthur Herbert

Codd, Stephen Arthur Herbert ›

The Theological Faculty mourns the loss of one of its members by the death in action of Sec. Lt. S. A. H. Codd, late of the Gloucestershire Regiment. Born in 1891,…

Cole, Arthur ›

Employed in the Works Department. Joined the 8th Royal Berks. Regt., and died on service, May 22nd, 1918. Guy's Hospital Reports Vol.LXX, War Memorial Number

Cole, Humphrey Porteus

Cole, Humphrey Porteus ›

Second Lieutenant Humphrey Porteous Cole, Devon Regiment, aged 21 years who died on April 3 of wounds received the same morning, was the youngest son of the late…

Collen, Norman Owen ›

Second Lieutenant Norman Owen Collen, East Yorkshire Regiment, whose death is officially announced today, was killed on September 25, five days before his 19th birthday.…

Collins, Reginald Thomas ›

Collins, R.T., Lieut.-Col. D.S.O., R.A.M.C., was killed in action on September 18th, aged 38. He was born on December 22nd, 1879, the only son of Dr. Wolfenden Collins,…

Cooke, Arthur Stanley

Cooke, Arthur Stanley ›

Sub-Lieutenant Arthur Stanley Cooke, aged twenty-six, was educated at the City of London School and graduated at King's in the Engineering Faculty in 1907; was articled…

Corbett, Cyril Dudley Hely ›

On the 4th December at Felixstowe, suddenly, of influenza, Lieut-Col. Dudley Corbett, A.A.M.A. Midland Area, HQ, R.A.F. of St. Thomas's Hospital, and late of 30…

Cornell, Arthur George ›

Second Lieutenant Arthur G Cornell, Northumberland Fusiliers, second son of Mr & Mrs Cornell of South Hackney, was educated at the Coopers' Company's School, and…

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