Memorial Listings For "World War One (1914-1918)"
Ladyman, John Charles Harrison ›
J.C.H. Ladyman was known to very few in the College as he was but few weeks amongst us. He entered the College at the commencement of the Session, 1914-15, but…
Lang, Sidney Drummond ›
Sidney Drummond Lang was born in 1886. He was educated in the first place at the Roan School, Greenwich. His earliest ambition was to study medicine, but this…
Lansdale, William Morris ›
Arma virumque cano. All Guy’s men will be very grieved to hear of the death of Capt. William Morris Lansdale, M.B., B.S., R.A.M.C. He was killed by a shell on the…
Latham, Thomas Selby ›
Latham on 29 November, 1917 from wounds received the previous day, Thomas Selby, Lieut. R.F.A., the dearly-loved youngest son of the late John Latham and of Mrs.…
Laughton, Hubert Henry Schomberg ›
Lieutenant Hubert H S Laughton, 2nd Worcestershire Regiment, who died at the Epsom Manor War Hospital, on November 25, of septic pneumonia, aged 21, was the youngest…

Layman, Douglas Arthur Campbell ›
Second Lieutenant Douglas Arthur Campbell Layman, 17th Lancashire Fusiliers, was the elder son of Mr. Arthur Layman, of 4, Dulwich Wood-park, Upper Norwood, and…
Leckie, Malcolm ›
Leckie, M. Capt., D.S.O., R.A.M.C. Entered Guy's in 1899 and the R.A.M.C. in 1908. He had a distinguished career in Egypt, and on the outbreak of war went to the…
Levick, Percy ›
Captain Percy Levick, R.A.M.C., was accidentally killed in France recently, owing to his horse slipping and falling, and throwing him beneath a motor lorry. He was…