King's College London
War Memorials
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Memorial List

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Aberdein, John Eric ›

King’ s College Chapel; Kanchanaburi War Cemetery Roll of Honour

Adamson, Maurice Leslie ›

Second Lieutenant Maurice Leslie Adamson, Royal Scots Fusiliers, attached to 10th Royal Irish Rifles, was the son of Sir Harvey Adamson, late Lieutenant Governor…

Alexander, John David ›

Old Dunstonian’ s Death in India The death occurred on Active Service in India on July 16, of Major John (Ian) Alexander, I.A.O.C., aged 26, elder son of Mr. and…

Allen, Humphrey Decius

Allen, Humphrey Decius ›

Lieut. Humphrey Decius Allen, West Yorkshire Regiment, who was killed whilst gallantly leading his men into action on July 1st, was the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.…

Allen, Laurence Raymond ›

Letter from his father (Frank Allen of 22 Clifton Road, Henlow, Beds). The Squadron Leader’ s account was that they had just crossed into France at La Plage and…

Archibald, James Duncan

Archibald, James Duncan ›

We regret to announce the death of Lieut. Duncan Archibald of wounds received in action on July 19th. As a student at King's College he held the Sambrooke Scholarship…

Ashton, Denys Alban ›

Billericay Airman Killed in Middle East. Flight-Lieut. Denys A. Ashton, R.A.F. aged 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ashton of Rowans, Belle Vue Road, Billericay, and…

Atkinson, Thomas Geoffrey ›

Death of P/O Atkinson on Active Service: Pilot Officer Geoffrey Atkinson who died in hospital while serving with the Central Mediterranean Forces was the only son…

Aucutt, Donald

Aucutt, Donald ›

Captain Donald Aucutt, Royal Warwickshire Regiment, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Aucutt of Denmark Hill S.E. was killed on October 9, aged 24. He was educated at…

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