63 items.

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Vaux, Charles

Gymnasium Master at King's College School, 1869-1871

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Ventouillac, Louis Theodore

Professor of French Language and Literature, 1831-1834

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Vernham, John Edward

  • Lecturer in Vocal Music; 1886-1889
  • Assistant Director of the King's College Choir; 1886-1889
  • Assistant Organist; 1886-1889
  • Lecturer of Music at the King's College…

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Vickers, Frederick

Lecturer in Malay, 1895-1904/5

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Vizard, A E

Matron of the Hemel Hempstead Convalescent Home, [1884-1885]

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Waldron, James W

Secretary of King's College Hospital, 1869-1874

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Walke, Andrew James

Lecturer in the Civil Service Department, 1876-1887

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Walker, David

  • Superintendent of the workshop, 1873-1891
  • Clerk of works, 1873-1891

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Walker, George Arthur

Assistant Master of King's College School, 1899-

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Walker, Harry Bruce

Assistant Lecturer in the Civil Service Department, 1893-

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Walker, Hyde Edwardes

Assistant Master of King's College School, 1889-

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Walker, William

Professor of Military Science (Fortification and Military Strategy, 1849-1852

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Wallis, Charles Eward

  • Assistant Dental Surgeon, 1899-1911
  • Dental Surgeon, 1911-1927
  • Lecturer of Dental Surgery, 1923-1927

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Walrond, Theodore

Member of the College Council, 1885-1887

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Ward, George Herbert

Assistant Mathematics Lecturer, 1886-[1899]

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Ware, Robert Charles

  • Assistant Lecturer of Civil Service Department, 1895-
  • Assistant Lecturer of Mathematics, 1886-[1887]

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Warr, George Charles Winter

  • Lecturer of Classical Literature, 1874-1879
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Latin, 1874-1896
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Greek, 1874-1896
  • Evening Class lecturer of Ancient…

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Warren, George Herbert

  • Assistant Lecturer in the Civil Service Department, 1893-1899
  • Assistant Master at Stand School, 1899-

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Watkins, Harry

College barrister, [1890-1896]

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Watkins, Henry William

  • Censor and Chaplain, 1875-1878
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Hebrew, 1875-1876 Lecturer of the Exegesis of the New Testament, 1876-1878 Evening Class Lecturer of elementary Greek, 1876-1877…

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Watkins, Samuel

  • Manciple/ clerk of the dining room/ marker, 1846-[1863]
  • Steward /marker/clerk, 1863-[1892]

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Watson, William Spencer

Assistant Surgeon at King's College Hospital, 1862-1867

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Wattez, Francois Joseph

  • Assistant French Master at King's College School, 1832-1870
  • French Master at King's College School, 1870-1874

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