V - Z
Vernham, John Edward
- Lecturer in Vocal Music; 1886-1889
- Assistant Director of the King's College Choir; 1886-1889
- Assistant Organist; 1886-1889
- Lecturer of Music at the King's College…
Walker, William
Professor of Military Science (Fortification and Military Strategy, 1849-1852
Wallis, Charles Eward
- Assistant Dental Surgeon, 1899-1911
- Dental Surgeon, 1911-1927
- Lecturer of Dental Surgery, 1923-1927
Ware, Robert Charles
- Assistant Lecturer of Civil Service Department, 1895-
- Assistant Lecturer of Mathematics, 1886-[1887]
Warr, George Charles Winter
- Lecturer of Classical Literature, 1874-1879
- Evening Class Lecturer of Latin, 1874-1896
- Evening Class Lecturer of Greek, 1874-1896
- Evening Class lecturer of Ancient…
Warren, George Herbert
- Assistant Lecturer in the Civil Service Department, 1893-1899
- Assistant Master at Stand School, 1899-
Watkins, Henry William
- Censor and Chaplain, 1875-1878
- Evening Class Lecturer of Hebrew, 1875-1876 Lecturer of the Exegesis of the New Testament, 1876-1878 Evening Class Lecturer of elementary Greek, 1876-1877…
Watkins, Samuel
- Manciple/ clerk of the dining room/ marker, 1846-[1863]
- Steward /marker/clerk, 1863-[1892]
Wattez, Francois Joseph
- Assistant French Master at King's College School, 1832-1870
- French Master at King's College School, 1870-1874