P - R
Roberts, Edward Holroyd
Assistant Arithmetical and writing master at King's College School, 1841-1842
Robertson, Frederick Steel
- Demonstrator of Electrical Engineering (Siemans Lab), 1900;
- Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, 1911;
- Lecturer, 1912;
- Senior Lecturer, 1925
Robinson, Hamilton
- Lecturer of Vocal Music, 1894-
- Lecturer of Harmony to the King's College Ladies Department, 1895-[1899]
Robinson, Henry
- Professor of Land Surveying and Levelling, 1880-1886
- Professor of Civil Engineering, 1886-[1915]
- Dean of Applied Science Department, 1886-
- Dean of Engineering and Applied…
Rose, William
- House Surgeon at King's College Hospital, 1872
- Sambrooke Surgical Registrar at King's College Hospital, 1873
- Assistant Surgeon at King's College Hospital, 1876-[1887]
- Demonstrator…
Rossetti, Gabriele Pasquale Guiseppe
- Professor of Italian (1831-1847);
- teacher of Italian, King's College School
Lecturer of management and production of the voice in song and speech at King's College Ladies Department, 1898-[1899]
Rust, George
- Assistant Master of King's College School, 1849-1868
- Master of the Middle and Lower classes at King's College School, 1868-1874