113 items.

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Higgins, Clement

  • Demonstrator of Chemistry (1869-1870)

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Higgs, Richard William

  • Lecturer of Classical Literature; 1835-1839
  • Librarian 1835-1839

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Highsted, George

[Administration staff?] (1876-1914) Ref: *1

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Hill, William

Porter in the dissecting room (1831-1834)

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Hines, Charlotte

Charwoman ([1851]-1891)

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Hinks, Robert

  • Lecturer in the Civil Service Department (1879-)
  • Vice Master of Strand school (1899-)

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Hoare, Charles

Treasurer and Chair, King's College Hospital (1876-1886)

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Hobbs, William George

Assistant Lecturer in Civil Service Department, 1893 Ref: *1

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Hobhouse, Henry

Member of the College Council ([1832]-1852) Ref: *1

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Hodgeson, Richard

Assistant Master, King's College School (1832-1849) Ref: *1

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Hodgson, Alfred Graham

  • Assistant Lecturer in the Civil Service Department (1893-[1900]) Ref: *3

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Holden, Albert William

  • Professor of Fine Art (1887-1892)
  • Evening Class Lecturer, Fine Art (1888-1895)
  • Lecturer of Drawing, King's College Ladies Department (1889-1899)
  • Harpen Professor…

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Hole, Charles

  • 1879-1906 Lecturer of Ecclesiastical History
  • 1884-1887 Evening Class Lecturer of English History

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Holmes, Ernest

  • Assistant Lecturer in the Civil Service Department (1895-[1899]) Ref: *2
  • Assistant Master of Strand School (1899)

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Holmes, Ralph

  • Assistant Lecturer of Mathematics (1890-1891) Ref: *1
  • Senior Lecturer of Mathematics (1891-)
  • Lecturer of Mathematics to the King's College Ladies Department (1892-1895)
  • Lecturer…

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Holthouse, Edwin Hermus

  • House Surgeon, King's College Hospital (1882)
  • Sambrooke Registrar, King's College Hospital (1885)
  • Surgeon Tutor, King's College Hospital

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Hone, Evelyn Joseph

Censor and chaplain (1869-1870) Ref: *1

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Hose, J C

Lecturer in Greek to Evening Classes [1850]

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Hoste, M R

Lecturer of Greek History to the King's College Ladies Department, 1897-[1898]

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Howard, W H

  • Lecturer in Wood Carving to King's College Ladies Department (1885-[1899])
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Wood Carving (1895-[1896])

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Howell, John Henry

  • Assistant Lecturer at the Civil Service Department (1894-[1900]) Ref: *1
  • Senior Master, Strand School (1894-1899) Ref: *2

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Howgate, William Church

  • Lecturer in KC Ladies' Department on the History of Architecture (1895)
  • Lecturer, Grecian Architecture (1896-1900)
  • Lecturer, English Church Architecture

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Howley, Thomas

  • Professor of Tamil and Telugu (1861-1897)
  • Professor of Hindustani (1864-1897)

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Howley, William

Member of the College Council (1828-1848)

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Howse, Walter

  • Assistant Lecturer of Mathematics (1859-1866)
  • Evening Class lecturer of Latin (1862-1867)
  • Evening Class Lecturer of Greek (1862-1867)
  • Evening Class Lecturer…

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