A - C
164 items.
Ball, Charles James
- Lecturer of Exegesis of New Testament, 1878-1879
- Censor and Chaplain,1878-1879
- Evening class lecturer on Elementary Greek Testament, 1878-1881
- Evening class…
Barrett, James William
- Demonstrator of Physiology, 1884-[1885]
- Evening Class Lecturer of Physiology, 1885-1887
Barrow, Albert Boyce
- House Surgeon King's College under Sir William Ferguson and John Wood, 1873-1874
- Sambrooke Surgical Registrar, 1875
- Assistant Surgeon and teacher of Operative Surgery, 1886
- Pathological…
Bartlett, James
- Demonstrator of Architecture and Building Construction, 1891-1900
- Evening Class Lecturer of Constructional Drawing, 1892-1896
- Evening Class Lecturer on Quantities, 1892-1896
- Assistant…
Barwell, Mildred Emily
Lecturer of Mathematics to King's College Ladies Department, 1898-[1899]
Beale, Peyton Todd Bowman
- House Surgeon, King’s College Hospital, c.1890
- Elected to the staff as Assistant Surgeon 1893
- Demonstrator of Physiology and Histology 1891-1904
- Lecturer…