PDFWaziristan, 1937: Penney, W R C

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A pamphlet entitled, 'Waziristan, 1937', written by Major General Sir (William) Ronald Campbell Penney. Reprinted from the Royal Signals Quarterly Journal. The British were engaged in an operation in this part of the North West Frontier, which borders Afghanistan.
The pamphlet includes a map and newspaper cuttings, 1939.Ā
1937, 1939
Specific Place(s)
Archive reference
Penney 1/8
Related Archive catalogue
PENNEY, Maj Gen Sir (William) Ronald Campbell (1896-1964)
Terms & Categories
- War/Campaign/Operation: Peacetime
- Asia: Asia - Southern - North West Frontier
- Theme (Main): Conflict & Military Operations
- Theme (Main): Cultures & Customs
- Theme (Main): Empire & Commonwealth
- Subject: Boundaries & Borders
- Subject: Counter-Insurgency
- Item: Printed Pamphlet/Booklet
- Information: Report/Paper