PDFWar In The Switzerland Of Asia - Swat Valley: Campbell, F

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This collection of reports, telegrams, correspondence and maps charts two key campaigns in Swat in the North West Frontier, a place of lush mountain scenery that later earned it the title of the 'Switzerland of Asia'. The action involved British led forces in action against local tribesmen.
The papers form part of the collection of General Sir Frederick Campbell, Commander, 1 Peshawar Division.
Collection/items by
CAMPBELL, General Sir Frederick (1860-1943)
Specific Place(s)
Relevant people
Campbell, Frederick (1860-1943)
Specific keywords
ammunition, hospital, wounded
Archive reference
Papers of Sir Frederick Campbell
Related Archive catalogue
CAMPBELL, Gen Sir Frederick (1860-1943)
Terms & Categories
- War/Campaign/Operation: North West Frontier operations (1914-1918)
- Country: Afghanistan
- Asia: Asia - Southern - North West Frontier
- Theme (Main): Conflict & Military Operations
- Theme (Main): Empire & Commonwealth
- Theme (Main): Science & Technology
- Subject: Boundaries & Borders
- Subject: Counter-Insurgency
- Subject: Peacekeeping
- Subject: Weapons
- Item: Map/Plan
- Information: Memorandum