Gallery: 48 imagesThe Ruins Of France (Part 1): Spears, E

This first selection from the extensive archive of Major General Sir Edward Spears chronicles life on the Western Front during the Great War when Spears was a liaison officer between the French and British staff.
He was Head of the British Military Mission in Paris between 1917 and 1920 before entering Parliament and pursuing a political career as a National Liberal and then Conservative MP.
He served once again as a liaison officer with the French throughout the early stages of World War Two on behalf of Prime Minister, Winston Churchill, having since been promoted to the rank of Major General.
The gallery includes various portraits of Spears himself, trenches and dug-outs, ruined buildings following bombardment, and German prisoners of war.
Specific Place(s)
Western Front, France
Archive reference
Related Archive catalogue
SPEARS, Maj Gen Sir Edward Louis (1886-1974)
Terms & Categories
- War/Campaign/Operation: World War One (1914-1918)
- Region: Europe
- Theme (Main): Conflict & Military Operations
- Theme (Main): Daily Life
- Theme (Main): History of Photography
- Item: Photographic (album)
- Item: Photographic (loose)
- Information: Memoir/Biography
- Information: Visual