This second selection from the archive of Major General Sir Edward Spears contains further insights into life on the Western Front during World War One.

Spears was to become Head of the British Military Mission in Paris between 1917 and 1920 before entering Parliament and pursuing a political career as a National Liberal and then Conservative MP.

This tranche includes views of trenches, ruined buildings including churches, burials and funeral processions, officers and ranks and means of transport, notably horses and cars. Its themes include surveillance and observation of enemy positions, handling the dead, review and inspection, the winter landscape and the brutal consequences of urban warfare.

Featured locations include Aix Noulette,Ā  Notre Dame de Lorette, the Vimy Ridge near Arras and Loos.



Specific Place(s)

Western Front, France

Archive reference


Related Archive catalogue

SPEARS, Maj Gen Sir Edward Louis (1886-1974) 

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