PDFRed Versus White: Poole, F C

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Typescript report by Capt George A Hill, RAF, entitled 'Report of work done in Russia to end of 1917', 27 Nov 1918. With accompanying correspondence.
From the collection of Major General Sir Frederick Cuthbert Poole, General Officer Commanding, North Russia Expeditionary Force, 1918-1919.
Specific Place(s)
Specific keywords
White Russians
Archive reference
Poole collection
Related Archive catalogue
POOLE, Maj Gen Sir Frederick Cuthbert (1869-1936)
Terms & Categories
- War/Campaign/Operation: Russian Civil War (1918-1920)
- Region: Europe
- Theme (Main): Conflict & Military Operations
- Subject: Propaganda & Influence Ops
- Subject: Strategy & Tactics
- Item: Typescript Document
- Information: Report/Paper