PDFPapers Of Quetta: Dimoline, W A

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Papers and pictures relating to William Alfred Dimoline's service as Signals Officer with 2 Indian Div Signals, Quetta, Pakistan, including health certificates, receipts of posting, and letter from Capt J C Curtis, War Office on Dimoline's posting to the War Office as General Staff Officer Grade 3. 1934-1936.
Collection/items by
DIMOLINE, Major General William Alfred (1897-1965)
Specific Place(s)
Archive reference
Dimoline 4/1
Related Archive catalogue
DIMOLINE, Maj Gen William Alfred (1897-1965)
Terms & Categories
- War/Campaign/Operation: Peacetime
- Asia: Asia - Southern - North West Frontier
- Theme (Main): Daily Life
- Theme (Main): Empire & Commonwealth
- Theme (Main): Science & Technology
- Subject: Communications
- Item: Photographic (loose)
- Item: Printed (loose)
- Information: Correspondence
- Information: Visual