PDFL'Album De La Guerre, Vol 1 (Part 4)

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The fourth part of volume 1 of L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Histoire Photographique et Documentaire Reconstituee Chronologiquement a l'Aide de Cliches et de Dessins Publies par "L'Illustration" de 1914 a 1921.
French illustrated history of the First World War, in two volumes. It includes a range of images relating to war, including photographs, drawings and portraits, including trenches, barbed wire, prisoners of war, inspections and parades, active engagement with the enemy, and ruins including Ypres and Clermont-en-Argonne.
Specific Place(s)
Ypres, Clermont-en-Argonne
Archive reference
L'Album de la guerre: Vol 1, part 4
Terms & Categories
- War/Campaign/Operation: World War One (1914-1918)
- Region: Europe
- Theme (Main): Conflict & Military Operations
- Theme (Main): Cultures & Customs
- Theme (Main): Natural World
- Subject: Animals & The Natural World
- Subject: Death & Dying
- Subject: Prisoners of War/Internment
- Subject: Propaganda & Influence Ops
- Item: Book
- Information: Visual