PDFIsacke Diaries, 1897 (Part 3): Isacke, H

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This third selection of diary entries from April and May 1897 was compiled by Hubert Isacke (1872-1943).
Isacke was an army officer who served on the North West Frontier of British India, 1897-1898. Following service in the Second Boer War, Isacke served as a staff officer and Director of Staff Duties and Training, Army Headquarters, India until 1920.
This selection includes descriptions of sport, travel, ill health, shooting and parades.
Apr-May 1897
Specific keywords
church, cricket, inspection, hunting, shooting
Archive reference
Isacke 1897 00165
Related Archive catalogue
ISACKE, Maj Gen Hubert (1872-1943)
Terms & Categories
- War/Campaign/Operation: Peacetime
- Country: India
- Theme (Main): Daily Life
- Theme (Main): Ethics, Religion & Morality
- Theme (Main): Training & Education
- Theme (Main): Travel & Exploration
- Subject: Animals & The Natural World
- Subject: Logistics
- Subject: Parades, Drills & Manoeuvres
- Subject: Sport & Recreation
- Item: Book
- Information: Diary