PDFAsymmetry In Afghanistan - The Poison Gas Option

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Views of officers of 4 (Quetta) Division, Waziristan Force and Northern Command on the possible use of gas as an offensive weapon in North West Frontier Province, 1919.
The report is one of several that weighed up the use of gas against the tribal populations in that remote region. It is part of the collection of Major General Charles Foulkes, an expert on gas warfare, who was sent to the area on a fact-finding mission.
Collection/items by
FOULKES, Major General Charles (1875-1969)
Archive reference
Foulkes 6/105
Related Archive catalogue
FOULKES, Maj Gen Charles Howard (1875-1969)
Terms & Categories
- War/Campaign/Operation: Third Afghan War (1919)
- Asia: Asia - Southern - North West Frontier
- Theme (Main): Empire & Commonwealth
- Subject: Boundaries & Borders
- Subject: Weapons
- Item: Typescript Document
- Information: Report/Paper