This second batch of photographs from an album belonging to Edmund Allenby provides a revealing insight into the personal life of an Army officer in the 1890s - showing Allenby relaxing with friends in Scotland and amateur dramatics amid the ruins of ancient Egypt.

It also includes examples of Army life in South Africa and in barracks in Brighton.



Specific Place(s)

Egypt, Entonjaneni Camp, South Africa, Preston Park, Brighton, Culachy House, Scotland, Preston Barracks, Brighton, Bude, Cornwall, Brighton

Specific keywords

amateur dramatics, tourism, humour, rest and relaxation, camp, tent, dog, animal, fancy dress, cooking and catering, drama, picnic, pet, barracks, officer, uniform, architecture, horse, smoking, hunting, shooting, gun, beach, child/ren, sleep, landscape

Archive reference

Allenby 5/2

Related Archive catalogue

ALLENBY, FM Edmund (Henry Hynman), 1st Viscount Allenby of Megiddo (1861-1936) 

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