Items Tagged With This Term

 A Volunteer In The Boer War (Part 1): Craig, G

A collection of photographs documenting a volunteer in the Boer War.

 A Volunteer In The Boer War (Part 2): Craig, G

This second part of the Volunteer series, explores the career of Granville Craig in the Second Boer War. Images include fortifications and trenches, the destruction of Boer buildings and a Boer attack on a train.  

 A Volunteer In The Boer War (Part 3): Craig, G

The third part of the Volunteer series, explores the career of Granville Craig in the Second Boer War. Images include block houses (forts), cavalry, trains, shooting practice, dead animals and an aardvark.

 A Volunteer In The Boer War (Part 4): Craig, G

The fourth part of the Volunteer series, explores the life of Granville Craig in the Second Boer War. Images include encampments, landscapes, scenes on board ship and groups of soldiers. 

 An Officer At Large (Part 1): Allenby, E

This first part of the photograph album Allenby 5/3 illustrates the travels of a young officer, Edmund Allenby, with revealing insights into his family life, military postings and manoeuvres in the late 1890s and 1900s. Allenby famously commanded the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in Palestine and Egypt,…

 An Officer At Large (Part 2): Allenby, E

This second part of the photograph album Allenby 5/3 illustrates the travels within the British Empire of a young officer, Edmund Allenby, with revealing insights into his family life, life on board ship and parades including the King's birthday parade in 1907. Allenby famously commanded the Egyptian…

 An Officer At Large (Part 3): Allenby, E

The third and final part of the photograph album, Allenby 5/3, illustrating the travels of officer, Edmund Allenby. The collection includes views of South Africa, Egypt, Naples, Switzerland and Uganda. Allenby famously commanded the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in Palestine and Egypt, 1917-1919.

 An Officer In Simla (Part 1): Hamilton, I

The first part of an album of photographs and other items from Ian Hamilton's time in Simla, India, 1885-1887. Hamilton went on to lead the ill-fated expedition to Gallipoli during the First World War. The album includes images of daily life, married life, residences in Simla, India, and examples of…

 An Officer In Simla (Part 2): Hamilton, I

The second part of of an album of photographs and other items from Ian Hamilton's time in Simla, India, 1885-1887. Hamilton went on to lead the ill-fated expedition to Gallipoli during the First World War. The album includes images of Simla, family and daily life, the interiors of houses and other domestic…

 An Officer's Life (Part 1): Allenby, E

This first batch of photographs from an album belonging to Edmund Allenby provides a revealing insight into the personal life of an Army officer in the 1890s - showing life in Africa, military encampments, the natural environment and indigenous peoples, travels including St Helena including Napoleon's…

 An Officer's Life (Part 2): Allenby, E

This second batch of photographs from an album belonging to Edmund Allenby provides a revealing insight into the personal life of an Army officer in the 1890s - showing Allenby relaxing with friends in Scotland and amateur dramatics amid the ruins of ancient Egypt. It also includes examples of Army…

 Bikes And 'Brooklands': Foulkes, C

A photographic collection showing early transportation and recreational vehicles. Still images developed from glass plate negatives.

 China In Focus: Woods, G

This album features images of China around 1904, from the collection of Lieutenant Colonel George Woods, who served in the country at this time. The photographs include scenes of country life, temples and architecture. 

 Crowds And Cars: Foulkes, C

A photographic collection showing crowds and cars circa 1909. Still images developed from glass plate negatives.

 En route to China: Floud, B

This is the first album of five belonging to Bernard Floud (1915-1967), relating to his journey to China, 1938, as part of a League of Nations student delegation. The album contains photographs of countries travelled through en route: France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Turkey, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,…

 En route to China: Tea with Chiang Kai-shek (Part 1): Floud, B

This second instalment of a revealing photograph album compiled by Bernard Floud (1915-1967), relates to his journey to China in 1938 as part of a League of Nations student delegation. Floud visited both Communists and Nationalists, notably the youthful members of the ‘Children’s Propaganda Troup’ and…

 En route to China: Tea with Chiang Kai-shek (Part 2): Floud, B

Part 2 of a second instalment of a revealing photograph album compiled by Bernard Floud (1915-1967), relates to his journey to China in 1938 as part of a League of Nations student delegation. Floud visited both Communists and Nationalists, notably the youthful members of the ‘Children’s Propaganda Troup’…

 En route to China: Tea with Chiang Kai-shek (Part 3): Floud, B

Part 3 of a second instalment of a revealing photograph album compiled by Bernard Floud (1915-1967), relates to his journey to China in 1938 as part of a League of Nations student delegation. Floud visited both Communists and Nationalists, notably the youthful members of the ‘Children’s Propaganda Troup’…

 Heroism And Gallantry

This gallery provides an insight into the role of heroism and gallantry in war and peace, including newspaper descriptions of the escape of prisoners of war; the heroic death of a naval officer during the Battle of Jutland in 1916 as seen through the eyes of a poet; the role of war memorial as a means…

 Hunting Trip in Coimbatore, India: Foulkes, C

Photographs taken during Charles Foulkes' big game hunting trip in Coimbatore, India in 1920.

 India In Snapshot: Woods, G

This first collection of images from Lt Colonel George Woods' India album includes photographs of landscapes, hunting, mountain ranges and domestic life from the 1890s. 

 Mongolia In Closeup: Woods, G

This album of photographs is from the private paper collection of Lt Colonel George Woods. An artillery officer, Woods served in India, China and Burma during the first decade of the twentieth century. Woods participated in an expedition to Mongolia in April and May 1902 and this album includes landscapes,…

 Photographs of China: Woods, G

A photograph album of China compiled by George Greville Woods (1870-1947) , a Royal Garrison Artillery officer who served in China from 1900 until 1904. The album includes landscapes, portraits, a map and other fine detail.

 Service In South Africa, Along The Nile And POW Life: Archer, J

A photograph album belonging to Captain John Archer covering service in the Boer War, in Malta, Crete, the Sudan, Egypt and as a prisoner of war in Germany. The album includes images of action against the Boers, life on the Nile and POWs.

 The Ruins Of France (Part 1): Spears, E

This first selection from the extensive archive of Major General Sir Edward Spears chronicles life on the Western Front during the Great War when Spears was a liaison officer between the French and British staff. He was Head of the British Military Mission in  Paris between 1917 and 1920 before entering…

 The Ruins Of France (Part 2) - Spears In France: Spears, E

This second selection from the archive of Major General Sir Edward Spears contains further insights into life on the Western Front during World War One. Spears was to become Head of the British Military Mission in Paris between 1917 and 1920 before entering Parliament and pursuing a political career…

 The Ruins Of France (Part 3) - Marching As To War: Spears, E

Batch three of this photograph album from the collection of Major General Sir Edward Spears captures the vicissitudes of war on the Western Front in vivid detail. Spears, a fluent French speaker, provided liaison between the British and French armies. He later pursued a political career as an MP during…

 The Ruins Of France (Part 4) - Observing The Great War: Spears, E

This fourth instalment of a photograph album belonging to liaison officer, Edward Spears, provides revealing testimony to the routine of the First World War: parades, inspections, decoration in battle, tactical observation of the disposition of enemy forces, conversation and dialogue. The engineering…

 The Ruins Of France (Part 5) - Death And Discipline On The Western Front: Spears, E

This fifth selection from a photograph album belonging to liaison officer, Major General Edward Spears, explores the often grim price of war, notably a series of dramatic photographs illustrating the drum head court martial and execution of a German prisoner accused of killing his guard. The selection…

 The Ruins Of France (Part 6) - Deepening Conflict: Spears, E

This sixth instalment of photography from the collection of Major General Sir Edward Spears chronicles a deepening conflict: use of aerial reconnaissance, artillery in action, the bombardment of the enemy. It also illustrates the comradeship of allies and snatched moments of laughter amid the slaughter,…

 Tirah - Photographic Journalism (Part 1)

This represents the first part of a photograph album published by Black and white Magazine, covering the Tirah Campaign in India's North West Frontier between 1897 and 1898. The Expedition photographs are illustrative of the many colonial campaigns undertaken by the British and their allies in this…

 Travels Of A Naval Officer Volume 3: Gurner, V G

Another album of photographs belonging to Rear-Admiral Victor Gallafent Gurner mainly features Royal Navy ships, including several cruisers and battleships, during the period c 1890-1920. The ships are, with one or two exceptions, depicted in home waters, including Spithead and Devonport. The album also…

 Travels Of A Naval Officer Volume 4 (Part 1): Gurner, V G

The first of three selections of photographs from the fourth volume belonging to Rear-Admiral Victor Gallafent Gurner mainly shows life on board ship and the effects of war between the Russians and Japanese, not least an engagement at Chemulpo Bay, Incheon, in February 1904. Gurner served as First Lieutenant…

 Travels Of A Naval Officer Volume 4 (Part 2): Gurner, V G

The second of three selections of photographs from the fourth volume belonging to Rear-Admiral Victor Gallafent Gurner features views of pleasure boating in Norfolk, including the Broads, showing the River Bure, Wroxham, Langley Priory, Hickling Broad and Terrington St Peter, prior to the First World…

 Travels Of A Naval Officer Volume 4 (Part 3): Gurner, V G

The last of three selections of photographs from the fourth volume belonging to Rear-Admiral Victor Gallafent Gurner features a wide variety of photography relevant to Gurner’s career and travels prior to World War One. These include naval photography, not least Gurner’s command, HMS Philomel, c 1909…

 Trenches Of The German Eastern Front

A collection of photos showing trenches on the German Eastern Front in World War One taken in Russia, Hungary and Romania, many captioned in German including soldiers in the trenches, relaxing, training and during battle, details of trench structures and interiors, encampments and fortifications, graves,…

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