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     Mongolia In Closeup: Woods, G

    This album of photographs is from the private paper collection of Lt Colonel George Woods. An artillery officer, Woods served in India, China and Burma during the first decade of the twentieth century. Woods participated in an expedition to Mongolia in April and May 1902 and this album includes landscapes,…

     Reminiscences Of Tibet: Campbell, F

    Reminiscences of Tibet - typescript report by Frederick Campbell who accompanied the Younghusband Expedition to Lhasa, Tibet, 1904

     Travels Of A Naval Officer Volume 3: Gurner, V G

    Another album of photographs belonging to Rear-Admiral Victor Gallafent Gurner mainly features Royal Navy ships, including several cruisers and battleships, during the period c 1890-1920. The ships are, with one or two exceptions, depicted in home waters, including Spithead and Devonport. The album also…

     Travels Of A Naval Officer Volume 4 (Part 1): Gurner, V G

    The first of three selections of photographs from the fourth volume belonging to Rear-Admiral Victor Gallafent Gurner mainly shows life on board ship and the effects of war between the Russians and Japanese, not least an engagement at Chemulpo Bay, Incheon, in February 1904. Gurner served as First Lieutenant…

     Travels Of A Naval Officer Volume 4 (Part 3): Gurner, V G

    The last of three selections of photographs from the fourth volume belonging to Rear-Admiral Victor Gallafent Gurner features a wide variety of photography relevant to Gurner’s career and travels prior to World War One. These include naval photography, not least Gurner’s command, HMS Philomel, c 1909…

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