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     An Officer At Large (Part 1): Allenby, E

    This first part of the photograph album Allenby 5/3 illustrates the travels of a young officer, Edmund Allenby, with revealing insights into his family life, military postings and manoeuvres in the late 1890s and 1900s. Allenby famously commanded the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in Palestine and Egypt,…

     An Officer At Large (Part 2): Allenby, E

    This second part of the photograph album Allenby 5/3 illustrates the travels within the British Empire of a young officer, Edmund Allenby, with revealing insights into his family life, life on board ship and parades including the King's birthday parade in 1907. Allenby famously commanded the Egyptian…

     An Officer At Large (Part 3): Allenby, E

    The third and final part of the photograph album, Allenby 5/3, illustrating the travels of officer, Edmund Allenby. The collection includes views of South Africa, Egypt, Naples, Switzerland and Uganda. Allenby famously commanded the Egyptian Expeditionary Force in Palestine and Egypt, 1917-1919.

     Camels In East Africa, 1928 (Part 1): Chater, A R

    First half of the typescript volume, 'Camel Corps Regulations and Standing Orders'; 1 volume, September 1928. The volume forms part of the papers relating to the service of Maj Gen Arthur Reginald Chater as Officer Commanding Sudan Camel Corps, 1927-1930. The document covers discipline, conduct and…

     Camels In East Africa, 1928 (Part 2): Chater, A R

    Second half of the typescript volume, 'Camel Corps Regulations and Standing Orders'; 1 volume, September 1928. The volume forms part of the papers relating to the service of Maj Gen Arthur Reginald Chater as Officer Commanding Sudan Camel Corps, 1927-1930. The document covers enlistment, correspondence…

     L'Album De La Guerre, Vol 1 (Part 7)

    The sixth part of volume 1 of L'Album de la Guerre 1914-1919: Histoire Photographique et Documentaire Reconstituee Chronologiquement a l'Aide de Cliches et de Dessins Publies par "L'Illustration" de 1914 a 1921. French illustrated history of the First World War, in two volumes. This selection notably…

     Nigeria Diary: Dimoline, W A

    Extracts from the manuscript personal diary relating to William Alfred Dimoline's service in Nigeria, Jan-Jun 1924, including details of the birth of his first daughter, with telegrams, advertisements and some photographs including regimental groups.

     Service In South Africa, Along The Nile And POW Life: Archer, J

    A photograph album belonging to Captain John Archer covering service in the Boer War, in Malta, Crete, the Sudan, Egypt and as a prisoner of war in Germany. The album includes images of action against the Boers, life on the Nile and POWs.

     Shooting Trip In Nyasaland At Christmas: Archer, J

    Manuscript description of shooting trip in Nyasaland (Malawi) by Captain John Archer.

     Travels Of A Naval Officer Volume 4 (Part 3): Gurner, V G

    The last of three selections of photographs from the fourth volume belonging to Rear-Admiral Victor Gallafent Gurner features a wide variety of photography relevant to Gurner’s career and travels prior to World War One. These include naval photography, not least Gurner’s command, HMS Philomel, c 1909…

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