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Wisden, Maud


Registration number1126
First name(s)Maud

Broadwater, Worthing; St Bartholomew's Hospital; 5 J Hyde Park Mansions NW

Date of registration2 May 1890

Certificates Victoria Hospital 1984-85; St Bartholomew's Hospital 1885 to date

Personal details

Date of birth1861
Place of birthChichester West Sussex
Married nameAndrews
Family details

Married in East Preston, East Sussex on 9th September 1891 to Lancelot Andrews. Widowed by 1896, no children. Opened a Home for Nurses as a Widow

Additional personal details

Miss Maud Wisden, Gold Medallist and Sister of John Ward, has just recently been married to Dr. Lancelot Andrews. The Nursing Record, September 1891. Mrs Andrews' address in 1909 from the Register of Nurses was The School House, Oakham, Rutland.

Professional details

Additional qualifications

1888, Gold Medalist St Bartholomews Hospital, London

Work experience

1884 - Probationer, Victoria Hospital for Children; 1885 - 1891 Probationer, Staff Nurse, Night Superintendent and Sister at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London; 1896-1899 Lady Superintendent Gordon House Home Hospital, The Nursing Record, September 19th 1891, Vol 7 Miss Maud Wisden, Gold Medallist and Sister of John Ward, has just recently been married to Dr. Lancelot Andrews, and has been succeeded by Miss Eames, also the winner of the Gold Medal.

Professional activities

Dec 1899 extract from The Nursing Record and Hospital World p 475, Designs for a badge were then submitted to the inspection of the Members, and one decided upon. Proposed by Sister Mark, and seconded by Miss MacVitie. Votes of thanks to Miss Stewart for presiding, and to Miss Cox-Davies and Miss Sleigh for performing the secretarial work, brought the business part of the proceedings to a close. The meeting was animated throughout, the following members, amongst others, taking part: - Sister Mark, Sister Casualty, Miss Margaret Rodgers, Mrs. Launcelot Andrews, Miss Finch, Mrs .Staples, Mrs. Gray, Miss Lofts, Mrs. Groves, Miss Todd, Miss M. Breay, Miss Polden, Miss Armitage, Mrs. Segundo, Miss Waind, Miss MacVitie, Mrs. Scott. Member of the League of St Bartholomew's Nurses, its Vice President Volume 66, February 26th 1921, p116

Additional professional details

Gordon House Home Hospital It will interest several of our medical readers to learn that from the 1st of May the Gordon House Home Hopsital, 12 Holles Street, Cavendish Square, will become the joint property of Mrs. Launcelot Andrews and Miss Ellie Bristow. It is with much regret that we are retiring from the Superintendence of Gordon House - a work in which for seven years we have taken the very deeptest professional interest, but the increasing calls upon our time in connection iwth public work and in the conduct of the Editorial department of this Journal, renders it necessary that we should have more time at our disposal. It is with sincere pleasure that we are able to hand over the future welfare of the patients at Gordon House, to the care of our own old pupils - both ladies who during their Nursing career have used their great natural abilities so as to bring the utmost credit to their Alma Mater, and who have in consquence gained the confidence and appreciation of all with whom they have come in contact in their work. Mrs. Launcelot Andrews entered the Nursing School of St. Bartholomew's as Miss Maud Wisden in 1885, and as the first Probationer of her year was awarded the gold medal in 1888. She was subsequently promoted to the position of Night Superintendent, and later to be the Sister of John Ward - a position she resigned upon her marriage in 1891. Mrs. Andrews is a Registered Nurse and a member of the Royal British Nurses' Association, and is also an Associate of the Matrons' Council. It is so few months ago since her colleagues joined in her grief at the irreparable loss of her young husband, that we feel sure her courage and devotion in again taking up professional work, will compel their admiration and sympathy, and that they will join with us in wishing her that success which she is certain to attain in her new sphere of usefulness. Miss Ellie Bristow began her training at St Barholomew's Hospital in 1886, where she has also had a distinguished Nursing career. After obtaining her Certificate in 1889, she was ultimately promote to be Sister of the Gynaecological (Martha) Ward - a responsible position she resigns to undertake the qually responsible duties of Sister at Gordon House. Miss Bristow is a Registered Nurse and a member of the British Nurses' Association. We can but hope that our successors will meet in the future with the same unvarying courtesy, kindness and appreciation as we have had the good fortune to experience from the eminent medical men and the patients who have visited Gorden House; and that their work will in consequence afford them the same deep sense of pleasure and satisfaction.


RBNA Roll of Members 1909 and Register of Nurses (RBNA 4/1) - Royal British Nurses' Association Records, King's College London Archives Nursing Record and Hospital World

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