King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
Home|V - Z|Wharton, Mary Elizabeth 

Wharton, Mary Elizabeth


Registration number6
First name(s)Mary Elizabeth

The Infirmary, Halifax, Yorkshire
5 Ladies Home

Date of registration7 March 1890

General Hospital Birmingham, 1860 - 1874
Ayr Hospital (Matron), 1875 - 1878
Halifax Infirmary (Matron), 1878 - 1890

Personal details

Date of birth1848
Place of birthBirmingham
Family details

Father Emmanuel Wharton born c1799 Bradford, Yorkshire, Engineer
Mother Martha Wharton born c1811 Calverly, Yorkshire
5 sisters + 2 brothers aged 18-1yr (1851)

Additional personal details

Address: 11/2 William Street, Birmingham (1851)
Household included Father's niece, aged 14, general servant

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