King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
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Turner, Jane


Registration number1078
First name(s)Jane

32 Wallwood Street, Burdetts Road, Bow Common, E.

Date of registration2 May 1890

University College Hospital 1878; Victoria Hospital for Children 1878-80; London Hospital 1880-88; East London Nursing Assoc 1890-97


District Nurse for St Pauls Bow Common 1897 to date; Official copy of cert.of marriage, seen by Registrar May 18th 1892; deceased

Personal details

Place of birthBalmaghie, Kirkcudbridgeshire
Maiden nameTurner
Married nameWelch
Family details

No known father, Mother, Margaret, Ag Lab

Additional personal details

1881 census - aged 15, on Scottish census, with Mother Margaret; 1891 census - aged 25, born, Scotland, hospital nurse, St Mary's Hospital, Quay Road, Manchester; 1901 census aged 36, with family, husband, 2 children, 63 Cecil Road, Manchester

Professional details

Additional professional details

London Hospital Register of Sisters and nurses - 'Oct 25th 1880 Aged 23 Night Nurse Transferred Oct 31st 1881 to Harrison ward " March 25th 1882 to Charlotte ward " July 23rd 1882 to Auquela ward Jane Turner's service was retained longer and her faults encouraged by the culpable weakness and fatal example of the sister under whom she worked. Jane Turner had excellent health and was a good nurse when she chose to act upon the knowledge she possessed but she was noisy, bustling and intensely deceptive at all times. Neither doctors, nurses and myself could feel the slightest confidence in her. It was difficult to formulate the definite complaint that would at any time have procured her dismissal. On leaving - resigned in consequence or serious complaints from patients. Left Oct 6th 1887.'


Register of Nurses (RBNA 4/1) - Royal British Nurses' Association Records, King's College London Archives London Hospital Register of Sisters and nurses, Royal London Hospital Archives

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