King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
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Turner, Georgiana

Mrs. Georgiana Lynn

The death on October 5th of Georgiana, widow of Vaughan C. Lynn, late of Best: and Co., Madras, in.her 85th year, will recall Miss Turner, for some years Sister of Lawrence Ward, St. Bartholomew's Hospital. She was a very pretty woman, with a lively wit, and her sayings were proverbs in the nursing world for many a day.

After a wealthy marriage, she lived for some years in India, and on returning home passed the many years of her widowhood on her estate in Surrey. In her old age she kept in touch with some of her old Nurses at Bart's, who will miss her friendship.


Registration number19
First name(s)Georgiana

St. Bartholomew's Hospital E.C.
c/o Miss Birch, Nurses' Home St. Bartholomew's Hosp E.C.

Date of registration28 March 1890

Addenbrooke's Hospital, 1881 - 1883
St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1882, 1884 - 90
Sir Patrick Down's Hospital (Matron), 1883 - 1884


Now Mrs Vaughan Lynn; revise

Personal details

Date of birth1851
Place of birthPortsea
Maiden nameTurner
Married nameLynn
Family details

Father George Turner was a draper

Date of death1935
Place of deathKensington
Additional personal details

Married Vaughan Goldsmith Lynn, a Government official in India, born 1861, also from Portsea, on 21 October 1899 in Bombay
Returned to England after death of husband
Left £72,312 in Will

Professional details

Additional qualifications

Silver badge, RBNA, 1891

Work experience

Addenbrooke's Hospital, 1881 - 1883
St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 1882
Sir Partick Down's Hospital (Matron), 1883 - 1884
St. Bartholomew's Hospital (Sister, Lawrence Ward), 1884 - 1899


Nursing Record Supplement, 10 December 1891
Nursing Record and Hospital World, July 1 1899
British Journal of Nursing, January 1936

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