King's College London
Pioneering Nurses
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Topham, Helen


Registration number922
First name(s)Helen

County Hospital, York; 108 Rye Hill, Newcastle upon Tyne

Date of registration2 May 1890

County Hospital, York, 1885-1890; Certificate, British Lying in Hospital 1890; Private Nursing Home, Eastbourne 1902


District Nursing Association Haworth 1903 District Nursing Association Harrogate 1905-1909

Personal details

Date of birth1863
Place of birthThorpe Basset, Yorkshire
Family details

Parents are William and Ann Topham. William is a farmer with 411 acres and 2 labourers in 1871 census. By 1881 Ann is a widow aged 59. In 1911, Helen is living at 108 Rye Hill, Newcastle upon Tyne, with her sister, Blanche, described as a Sick Nurse. Blanche is 53, 5 yrs older than Helen and is the head of the household. This appears to be a small nursing home as there are a further 4 inmates described as patients, with Blanche and Helen as nurses.

Date of death1931
Place of deathGuisborough, Yorkshire

Professional details

Additional training

British Lying in Hospital

Additional qualifications

Certificate, British Lying in Hospital 1890

Work experience

1891 Ward Sister, York County Hospital, York; 1901 Ward Sister, York County Hospital; 1902 Working in private Nursing Home in Eastbourne; 1903 District Nursing Association, Haworth; 1905 District Nursing Association Harrogate; 1911 Sick nurse at 108 Rye Hill, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Professional activities

Member of RBNA, on 1890 register and also in 1909 RBNA register


Register of Nurses (RBNA 4/1) - Royal British Nurses' Association Records, King's College London Archives 1871, 1881, 1891, 1901 and 1911 census Register of Deaths Guisborough, Yorkshire. Jan-Feb-Mar 1931, vol 9D, page 776

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